Search for "EmpireStrikesBack"
30 results found
#3971: January 22, 2025
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Mastodon"You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations." – Darth Vader
"As you wish." – Boba Fett
High res vintage scan for BFFC courtesy of Titan, publisher of the Star Wars Insider
#TheEmpireStrikesBack #DarthVader #BobaFett #StarWars #BobaFettFanClub #DailyFett
#3927: December 9, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | MastodonTo promote #TheEmpireStrikesBack, #BobaFett also made appearances in person, including this stop on October 18, 1980 in Paisley, Scotland
With its unique "Jaig" eye details, the helmet looks like the PP1 (Pre-Pro #1)
Press clippings courtesy of Gordon McGuire via the The Imperial Commissary
#StarWars #DailyFett
#3915: November 27, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | MastodonRemembering the late director of #TheEmpireStrikesBack, Irvin Kershner, on the anniversary of his passing on this day in 2010
He's on set here with David Prowse as #DarthVader and Jeremy Bulloch as #BobaFett, plus IG-88 as IG-88
#StarWars #DailyFett
#3843: September 16, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | MastodonCustom "Assembly of the Bounty Hunters" set by Sebastian Ehrhardt (Blizzard Force Customs in Germany) using vintage #Kenner figures and a rare group photo from #TheEmpireStrikesBack as the big cardback
Helmet nod to Mark McDonald via BountyBoxes for the signal boost and BFFC's Thorsten Heiss for the credit
#BobaFett #Dengar #IG88 #Bossk #4LOM #Zuckuss #StarWars #DailyFett
#3819: August 23, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | MastodonConcept art for #TheMandalorian by Ryan Church featuring a backwards #BobaFett placeholder inside his ship
Fun fact: on this day in 1979, the 2nd unit production for the Slave I interior shot in #TheEmpireStrikesBack with Jeremy Bulloch was filmed
#StarWars #DailyFett
#3759: June 24, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Mastodon#BobaFett and Slave I are featured on the new "The Rebellions's Defeat" puzzle by Buffalo
Released earlier this month and in stock on Amazon:
Bonus: Jango and his ship are also featured prominently on a version called "I Will Be The Most Powerful Jedi Ever"
#StarWars #TheEmpireStrikesBack #Ad #DailyFett
#3725: May 21, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterHappy birthday to #TheEmpireStrikesBack, released on this day 44 years ago in 1980!
Our clip here features the original voice of Boba Fett by Jason Wingreen, thanks to Harmy's Despecialized Edition
Boba Fett portrayed here by John "Bespin Boba" Morton, with all the other appearances by the late great Jeremy Bulloch
#BobaFett #StarWars #BobaFettFanClub #DailyFett
#3653: March 10, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterCelebrating his birthday today, Jon Hamm has voiced #BobaFett three times now, all for the "From A Certain Point of View" anthologies
Here's a clip of the #StarWars (A New Hope) anthology's Fett story by Paul Dini
He also voiced Boba Fett in in #TheEmpireStrikesBack audiobook's telling of "Wait for It" by Zoraida Córdova and in the #ReturnOfTheJedi audiobook's telling of "Reputation" by Tara Sim
#3639: February 25, 2024
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterNot only did Ralph McQuarrie do #StarWars and #BobaFett concept art, the artist also did sketches for crew gifts related to the production of #TheEmpireStrikesBack
There are other drafts in the book called "Art of Ralph McQuarrie" published by Dreams in 2007; this one comes from the "Under the Helmet: The Legacy of Boba Fett" documentary on Disney+ in 2021
#3371: June 2, 2023
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me." — #BobaFett to #DarthVader
#StarWars #TheEmpireStrikesBack #DailyFett
#2994: May 21, 2022
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter42 years ago today, #TheEmpireStrikesBack was released in theaters. We put together highlights of #BobaFett's most memorable shots in the film – which generations of fans have found captivating – paired with John Williams' score called "The Departure of Boba Fett."
#StarWars #BobaFettFanClub #DailyFett
#1727: December 1, 2018
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#BobaFett by 14killstripes (Instagram) and #DeathTrooper by heavymetal_mando (Instagram)
Photo by Boba Fett Fan Club
#starwars #empirestrikesback #rogueone #deathtrooperspecialist #palaceoffinearts #sanfrancisco #terenclan #firesprayoutpost #mandalorianmercs #501st #501stlegion #501stggg #goldengategarrison #thedentedhelmet #befett #dailyfett #day1727
#1363: December 2, 2017
View on Instagram#BobaFett by 14killstripes
Photo by Boba Fett Fan Club
#starwars #empirestrikesback #palaceoffinearts #sanfrancisco #501st #501stlegion #501stggg #goldengategarrison #thedentedhelmet #befett #bobafettfanclub #dailyfett #day1363
#1199: June 21, 2017
View on Instagram#BobaFett by 14killstripes (Instagram) and #DeathTrooper by heavymetal_mando (Instagram)
Photo by Boba Fett Fan Club
#starwars #empirestrikesback #rogueone #deathtrooper #deathtrooperspecialist #palaceoffinearts #sanfrancisco #terenclan #firesprayoutpost #mandalorianmercs #501st #501stlegion #501stggg #goldengategarrison #thedentedhelmet #befett #dailyfett #day1199
#423: May 7, 2015
View on Instagram | Twitter#ThrowbackThursday: "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me." #StarWars #BobaFett #TheEmpireStrikesBack
#367: March 12, 2015
View on Instagram#ThrowbackThursday: #BobaFett in #TheEmpireStrikesBack. "INT. CLOUD CITY - PRISON ENTRY AREA
Darth Vader strides through the room as two stormtroopers prepare an elaborate torture mechanism. Han is strapped to a rack which tilts forward onto the torture device. Vader activates the mechanism, creating two bursts of sparks, one of which strikes Han's face. The door opens, and Darth Vader moves to the holding chamber, where Lando and Boba Fett await him." Excerpt from the official screenplay written by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett from a story by George Lucas. For more information and trivia about "Empire" Fett, visit
#starwars #bobafettfanclub
#112: June 30, 2014
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#MandalorianMonday: In June 1978, Joe Johnston's conceptual sketches start having "Boba Fett" written beneath them. This marked a change from the "super troopers" in the early draft of #TheEmpireStrikesBack. In this case, on sketch #299, note that it just says "Boba Fet" with one "t." For more important dates in the #BobaFett timeline, visit
#99: June 17, 2014
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterThis #EmpireStrikesBack paint-by-numbers was made back in 1982 by Craft Master and features #BobaFett on the cover, although sporting quite the #JodoKast color scheme, wouldn't you say?
For more #Fett guide and activity books, see what we've logged at
#83: June 1, 2014
View on InstagramJeremy Bulloch portrayed the original #BobaFett. He also had a cameo as Lieutenant Sheckil, the Imperial Officer in #TheEmpireStrikesBack who uses #PrincessLeia as a human shield. "One day I was sitting around in the Boba Fett outfit, and I was asked if I would mind playing this Imperial officer, because there was nobody to play the part. I went into wardrobe, got dressed in an Imperial Officer's uniform, and played this part who now has a name in the Decipher card game, Lieutenant Sheckil. It was in the scene in Cloud City where Princess Leia says 'Luke, it's a trap' -- I drag her away. Moments earlier, you see me as Boba Fett shooting at Mark Hamill." -- Jeremy Bulloch, as quoted in Star Wars Insider #49 (May/June 2000)
For more trivia about Jeremy Bulloch, see
#77: May 26, 2014
View on Instagram#MandalorianMonday: Here's one of the many #BobaFett Kubrick #StarWars collectibles manufactured by MediCom Toy of Japan, who often makes items for Sideshow Collectibles. In addition to ones like McQuarrie Concept, Holiday Special First Appearance, Joe Johnston "Supertrooper," Droids Cartoon, Vintage Kenner, and McQuarrie Concept (Alternate Helmet), there's the #EmpireStrikesBack edition. Kubrick figures are made in one of three scales: 100% (six cm), 400% (24 cm), or 1000% (60 cm). To see all the Kubrick Fett toys we've tracked down so far, and add any to your "My" Bounty list (to easily save and share what you have, want, or like), start at
#71: May 20, 2014
View on Instagram"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold" marks #BobaFett's 7th shot in the film (starting at 1:41:45) and clocks in at a smooth 12 seconds. No more, no less. In the original script by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett, the bounty hunter was to climb aboard on a ladder next to the cargo hold.
For more #Fett facts and trivia from #TheEmpireStrikesBack, visit Fettpedia at
#70: May 19, 2014
View on InstagramBefore #BobaFett appeared as a #Kenner toy (1979) or as a supporting character in #TheEmpireStrikesBack (1980), this is how he looked in the #StarWars Holiday Special's animated short in 1978.
For more about his role, including his many spoken lines, visit
#62: May 11, 2014
View on InstagramAn excerpt from the #StarWars Episode 5 screenplay written by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett from a story by #GeorgeLucas: "As the Avenger Star Destroyer moves slowly into space, the hatch on its underbelly opens, sending a trail of junk behind it. Hidden among the refuse, the Falcon tumbles away. In the next moment, the Avenger roars off into hyperspace. The Falcon's engines are ignited, and it races off into the distance. Amidst the slowly drifting junk, Boba Fett's ship appears and moves after the Falcon." For more images of #BobaFett from #TheEmpireStrikesBack, visit
#55: May 4, 2014
View on Instagram#MayThe4th: "Scourge of the Galaxy" by concept artist #RalphMcQuarrie. This artwork features #BobaFett, #IG88, #Bossk, #4LOM and #Zuckuss in an off-screen moment circa #TheEmpireStrikesBack on #Bespin.
For more #StarWars concept art featuring Boba Fett, visit
#45: April 24, 2014
View on Instagram | Twitter#ThrowbackThursday: Prototype #BobaFett Helmets. Sandy Dhuyvetter painted three of the costumes for #TheEmpireStrikesBack and the helmet used in #ReturnOfTheJedi.
For more about Sandy's role, visit
#38: April 17, 2014
View on InstagramCheck out this rare view of #BobaFett's Slave I model, which was used in #TheEmpireStrikesBack. This photo was included on the LucasArts "#StarWars: Behind the Magic" CD-ROM from 1998, which features nearly 100 references to Boba Fett and many hard-to-find behind-the-scenes photos.
For more about the ship, visit
#18: March 28, 2014
View on InstagramPatternmaker Brian Archer (pictured here) worked with Janet Stevens, under the direction of Robert Watts (who's half-brother is Jeremy Bulloch), to construct the #prototype #BobaFett back in 1978, then called "#Supertrooper II." This #archive photo was published in The Making of #StarWars: #TheEmpireStrikesBack (2010), which you can learn about and pick up here:
#16: March 26, 2014
View on Instagram#BobaFett surveys the hallways of #CloudCity in "#TheEmpireStrikesBack."
For more behind-the-scenes stills including Boba Fett, check out our album:
#4: March 14, 2014
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter"Curiosity Zaps Threepio" by artist Matt Busch, featuring a possible off-screen moment from #TheEmpireStrikesBack on #Bespin between #BobaFett, #Stormtroopers, and #C3P0, who we see eventually loses track of his limbs.