Exploring Boba Fett's different looks and details in film and TV
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Costume Variants
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Boba Fett

"Concept" Boba Fett
Late 1977 - Early 1978
2 sub-variants

"Prototype" Boba Fett
Mid 1978

"Pre-Pro" Boba Fett
Mid 1978
5 sub-variants

"Animated" Boba Fett
Late 1978 and 1985
2 sub-variants

"Empire" Boba Fett

"Jedi" Boba Fett

"Special Edition" Boba Fett
2 sub-variants

"Post-Sarlacc" Boba Fett
4 sub-variants

"The Book of Boba Fett" Boba Fett
2021 - 2022
2 sub-variants
Jango Fett
Costume Details
Browse by hard and soft parts that make up Fett
Helpful resources for Boba Fett cosplay costumes, vendors, and clubs
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