Unleashed: Sarlacc Fett

Published • Written by • Categorized in Collectibles


The latest in the Unleashed series is now available.

The new packaging features a stunning rendition of the Mandalorian icon with the great Boba Fett blasting across the aisle of your local — or online — toy store. Amazon.com/ToysRUs provides the following description of the $14.99 detailed action figure:

As the hungry Sarlacc holds Boba Fett in its lashing tentacles, you would expect Fett to rage at fate for bringing him to this hideous circumstance. But Fett never allows himself a second of weakness or self-pity. From the moment he witnessed the brutal death of his father in the first battle of the Clone Wars, Boba Fett has dealt with the injustices and vagaries of life in a cold, calculating manner. Encased in armor and hidden behind a battle helmet, Fett has cut himself off from the universe, protecting himself from the dangers of his work as a bounty hunter, and also, perhaps, from the pain of loving and losing anyone else dear to him. Even as he struggles within the deadly Pit of Carkoon, Boba Fett exemplifies a harsh enforcer of his own code of honor and justice. He is armed not only with powerful weapons but also with the superb survival and martial arts skills taught to him by his father. If it could be possible for anyone to emerge alive from the carnivorous maw of the Sarlacc, that person would be Boba Fett. Artist-interpreted sculpture features incredible detail and styling! Some assembly required. Ages 8 & up.

How does it compare? Is this action figure for you? Post your comments.

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  1. swfreak says:

    Me wanna have!:P It’s really cool figure! I wish they’d make a 13″ koto Boba figure
    just like the Jango Fett one we’re giving away as a first prize in the Fan Art Contest!

  2. Henry says:

    I have the figure is awsome the best of the Boba Fett figures ever made

  3. Gwen says:

    I gave up on most Fett merchandise because it got kinda cheap…but this figure… ooooo… they even detailed the seams on his uniform. It’s VERY nice.

  4. Allan says:

    It would be cool.

  5. Kait says:

    I have it, its great, I love it. Detail is amazing!

  6. Helen says:

    Grr, the image won’t load! But the summary makes it sound very cool… oooh…

  7. Kyp Durron says:

    Oh my god!!!!!!! I have got nto have it!!!!! Boba Fett is the best in the whole series!

  8. Stalin says:

    Where do you people come from?!?!?!
    Seriously! The man says like two FULL sentences (some say three) but the point is this…he’s freakin’ mute!!! He does and says almost nothing. How can he be cool?!?!
    A fan club?!?!
    Tell me where to find you…for “Fet’s” sake, i have to end you.

  9. Stalin says:

    Kyp Durron…lame dude.

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About the Author, Aaron Proctor

Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.

BFFC Member #2

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