How Long Is Boba Fett In The Original Films?

We've combed through the Original Trilogy for literally decades. But even the official Disney+ documentary got the total wrong. Here's our attempt to help make it clear.


8 minutes and 2 seconds.

Last revised January 30, 2022. Please continue reading for all the facts versus the fiction.

We’ve combed through the Original Trilogy for literally decades. But even the official Disney+ documentary got the total wrong (it’s not 6 and a half minutes). Here’s our attempt to help make it clear:

6 minutes 32 seconds in “The Empire Strikes Back”
1 minute 16 seconds in “Return of the Jedi”
14 seconds in “Star Wars: Special Edition”

Boba Fett is in the Original Trilogy including the Special Editions for 8 minutes and 2 seconds.

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