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7 results found
#2573: March 26, 2021
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterHappy birthday John Morton!
John, who also played Dak on Hoth, was #BobaFett for this one scene – earning the nickname "Bespin" Boba
For more about the actor, including tips from Jeremy Bulloch on how to portray Fett:
Photo courtesy of Darryl W. Moran
#BobaFettFanClub #StarWars #DailyFett
#2500: January 12, 2021
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterStand exactly where #BobaFett stood in #TheMandalorian at Rocky Peak Park in Simi Valley, California:
BFFC member BDone found the exact filming location of where Fett finally confronted Mando in Season 2 Episode 6 of the show; take a look at comparison shots plus some turn-by-turn trail tips
Also: this marks our 2,500th #DailyFett post (!!!)
#StarWars #BobaFettFanClub
#1624: August 20, 2018
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterOur tips for playing as #BobaFett in #StarWars: Force Arena:
#MandalorianMonday #BobaFettFanClub #DailyFett
#1324: October 24, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#BobaFett Foam Pumpkin Carvings by Alex Wer (The Pumpkin Geek)
#Halloween is just around the corner. Check out our guide for Fett fans for pumpkin and costume tips:
#BobaFettFanClub #DailyFett
#270: December 5, 2014
View on Instagram#FettFriday Fan Spotlight: Ben Townend as #BobaFett from The Empire Strike Back. Read our exclusive interview at
Ben is also a member of TDH, RPF, Mos Eisley Police Department, The 501st Legion, and The Rebel Legion.
#starwars #cosplay #cosplayer #interview #tips #costume #bobafettfanclub
#242: November 7, 2014
View on InstagramFan Spotlight: Scott Chana as #BobaFett. Read our exclusive interview at
Scott, whom we showcased in our 2007 costume contest, is also a member of the 501st Legion, Mandalorian Mercs Costuming Club, and The Dented Helmet. His photo here at the Imperial Sand Dunes was taken by Art Andrews.
#starwars #cosplay #cosplayer #interview #tips #costume #bobafettfanclub
#20: March 30, 2014
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#LucasArts follows up #TinyDeathStar with #StarWars #AssaultTeam. #BobaFett fighting #HanSolo makes the opening title card (pictured here) and touts some heavy-duty graphics for a mobile/tablet game. It's free to play on #iPhone, #iPad, #Android, and #WindowsPhone. We'll post tips n' tricks as they become available: