Topic: Never seen star wars

I just thought I'd share this little tragedy with everyone:
I teach elementary school, and there is a 3rd grader in one of my classes who is constantly wearing Star Wars shirts, carries a SW lunch box, etc. So I told him I liked his shirt (It had Boba on it)... and I told him that Boba was my favorite character. He says "Who is Boba?"
Anyway, long story short, this kid has never seen any of the movies! He watches the animated series, and he thinks that is Star Wars. I wanted to tell him to have his mother check him out of school immediately so he could watch the movies.

Re: Never seen star wars

haha whoa that is unfortunate, why don't you have a day where you let your class watch the classics?

Your god won't be there to save you, or maybe I will

Re: Never seen star wars

Well, I teach music, so unless I teach them all about John Williams, I probably can't get away with showing SW! However, I did tell him that he had to go get the movies and watch them. I should have told him he would be getting a grade on it!

Re: Never seen star wars

*ahem* I TOLD YA SO! I said this would happen. Didn't I say it? I said it. I said a SW tv show would destroy the fandom as we know it. Was I right? Yes, I was. This is merely one example of the thousands out there in that exact same situation. Never saw the movies, don't even know about them. A tv series is the beginning of the end for us and I was right. Now doesn't everyone wish they'd listened to me?

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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Re: Never seen star wars

take it easy miba, it's a kid. something like that is only natural, people still don't even know what transformers was before the michael bay films. besides, he will soon know who boba is, will see him in AOTC and the OT, and i'm guessing he will love it even more.

Re: Never seen star wars

Miba, I think the animated series is a good way of introducing new people to the Star Wars universe. Watch the TV show and then watch the films.

I was surprised when I read the original post though. At least he knows about the films now and will be able to watch them.

Jedi photographer - May the focus be with me.

Re: Never seen star wars

and now that boba is being brought into the series, it will make more sense when he watches the films.

Re: Never seen star wars

An update: I saw the 3rd grader again a few days ago, and he told me all about watching the movies with his dad wink He said he has watched them over and over again! Now I feel like a real educator! haha

Re: Never seen star wars

Good job Ariana!! You've influenced a young life.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

Re: Never seen star wars

wink Thanks!