Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Tho'un deactivated the lightsaber. "Rise...Apprentice"  The man rose, and received his lightsaber.  Tho'un stood, thinking, the only sounds his still activated lightsaber, and the sound of his helmets respirator. "What is thy bidding, my master?" his new apprentice said. "We will find him. We will do as the sith have always done. We will remain unknown, and we will endure."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Aliyah  was at a loss of what to do again. She was frustraited that this kept happening. This was way bigger than she had orginally thought. Rather than do something brash and foolish, she  waited in orbit around Courscant, just in sight of The Star Destroyer, watching for action and considering her options.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

It hadn’t taken very long for Ralin to crack the access codes and get the system up and running.  However, it was taking forever to link up with the proper ship…

The holo image of a PK officer came into view.  ”This is Lt. Commander Farr of the Overlord’s Shadow; who am I speaking to??” he demanded. 

Finally…  “I am Ralin Drakus.  I believe you're looking for me.”

Ralin could see the officer hesitate before starting again.  “You are wanted for the crime of treason against the Imperial Order.  If you turn yourself in, we may be more inclined to be…..”

Rain knew the Imp was just buying time, and cut him off with a wave of his gloved hand.  “Save your techs the time of tracing me.  I am in your former base on the planet Mandalore.  I am only contacting you to make one thing clear.  The inhabitants of Mandalore in NO WAY assisted in the destruction of your base.  It is me and my party you want…find us if you can.”

”I….. Farr was cut off by a disturbance in the background, out of sight of the holo projectors.  A fiercely angery voice filled the com receptors from the starship’s bridge.

”HOW DID YOU LET STARJAMMER ESCAPE???” demanded the voice. 

”Inquisator…..he……he wasn’t identified as hostile until he was approaching our outer fighter patrols” answered an older, terrified voice.  ”The fighters were unable to penetrate his shield or outer def…”

As Farr stepped from the holo transmitter, his hand reached for the mute button, and the screen flickered for a moment, but his attention was outside the viewer’s range and he failed put Drakus on hold.

”EXCUSES! roared the unseen voice.  A sick, crunching sound could be heard, and then a heavy thud.  ”Prepare Task Force One to jump to lightspeed, we are following Starjammer…….NOW.  You are in command, ADMIRAL Farr.”   

”YES MY LORD!  One of the Mandalorians who worked for Starjammer, Drakus, is on the holocom sir.  He reports that he destroyed our base on the planet Mandalore, but that the locals did not assist.  What shall I tell him?”

There was a slight pause.  ”Was that not Starjammer’s course?”

”Yes My Lord!”

”Tell him to say goodbye to his friends then…..”

Ralin stepped back from the terminal, a sick feeling in his stomach like he’d not felt since he’d seen the last member of his clan cut down........... I have done this…….I have brought this upon my own people……

“Don’t move” came a female voice from behind.

Lost in his emotion for a moment, he had allowed the gray armored female he thought might have been following him before to sneak up on him.  Slowly turning, he held up his hands in submission.  “You heard what they said?”

Holding her blaster at the ready, the warrior moved into the communications room.  “Yes.  I’ll take you in and stop what’s coming.”

“Starjammer was one of their highest leaders.  If he is running now, it can only mean a new Sith has taken his place.  This new Sith will do all in his power to destroy Starjammer and anyone he thinks is in league with him.  And as the former Emperor showed, the Sith enjoy destroying worlds to prove to the galaxy how strong they are. Nothing will stop them…….”


“No……but that will not stop me from trying.  If you wish to join me, follow me.  If not, leave or use that blaster……”

*You can post if you like Mel, but I’m assuming you’ll come along.  Rev, you can post next if you like; have Fenn starting to get serious with his ‘questioning’ when I march is with an announcment like “We’re going to have company” or something*

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

529 (edited by Si Titran Thursday, April 24, 2008 8:21 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Aliyah sat and stared out the viewscreen at the Overlord's Shadow realizing that her options did not look at all promicing. Then it came to her like a becon of light from the force. Crack their code and listen to whatever converstations they were conducting. She could potentially gain much valued information that she needed to further her mission, however vauge it may be.

Onasi spent a few long minutes at the communications computer, putting into practice things she had practiced her whole life in isolation on the asteriod. Perfecting skills that would come into service against the Empire was all consuming  there, as there was nothing else to fill the long hours, days and years in hiding. Soon she broke the code and could hear all the incoming and out going transmitions.

It was unexpected what she heard. Attack emminant. Fleet deployed. Mandalore.

Aliyah knew she had to do something, as it was obivous that the force was guiding her here. The fleet would be slow, with their much bigger ships. But Onasi was in a modified Nubian with a t-14 hyperdrive. She could make it to Mandalore a least a day before the planned attack if she pushed the ship to its limits.

So she punched in the coodinates and pulled the hyperspace throttle. She finally had her direction.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

530 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:49 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Kell was sitting at a table next to Cabur. Fenn Shysa turned, looking at them again. "Where is he?" Kell shrugged, he didn't feel any danger from them right now, he doubted that they would kill him or Cabur. Solus was in another booth, out of view. "Where is he?!" Fenn yelled, turning quickly and slamming his fists on the table. Just then the door bust open, a mandalorian had been shoved through, and he fell to the ground. Hard. Ralin came in as the others whirled, leveling their guns. "The empire is coming. And turning us in wont stop them from glassing Mandalore."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

531 (edited by Lord Revan Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:25 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

"I don't know, why don't you ask me again in five minutes." Solus replied smugly.
"Some people ain't never gonna change, and yer one of 'em...Now, I will ask again. Where is yer companion who caused this mess?" Fenn asked calmly.
Solus hesitated for a moment, switching his gaze out the viewing window. "I don't know."
"You don't know..." Fenn directed his attention to Kell and Cabur. "Where is he?"
All he could conjure was a lazy shrug from the both of them. "Where is he?!"
Just as he thought, the figure he spotted in the distance was indeed Ralin. The door slammed open from the force of a SuperCommando getting thrown into it, and landing hard on the floor. Ralin stepped over the groaning man, ignoring the fact that every weapon in the room was directed to him. "The empire is coming. And turning us in wont stop them from glassing Mandalore."
"You! How the...?" Fenn asked, slightly puzzled. "How do you know this?"

"This IS my signature."

532 (edited by Ralin Drakus Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:37 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

As the SuperCommando collected himself from the dirty cantina floor, Ralin and Tealani, as the gray armored Mando’s name turned out to be, slowly walked into the cantina, their hands risen slightly.

Fenn held out his hand to his team, who lowered their weapons.  Stepping up to Ralin, the Commando leader stared hard into Ralin’s dark T-Visor.  “Care to explain that??”

“It’s not us they’re coming for now.”

“And why not??  You JARE’ are the ones who started all this!”

“Starjammer, Skywalker’s high inquisitor, has fallen from favor.  “He’s coming here; and the Sith are following him.”  Starjammer’s name caught the attention of Ralin’s team. 

“How do you know this?” asked Fenn, his temper cooled by the scope of the situation.

“By chance.  Their bridge com was left on when I tried to contact them; the new Inquisitor is hunting Starjammer and seems to think we are giving him refuge.”

Fenn looked to the female at Ralin’s side.  She nodded at the truth of the statement.  “Then it’s simple; we will intercept him and turn HIM over to the Sith.”

“Not so simple.  This Sith will be looking to make a statement to the rest of the galaxy; a statement that he is in control.  What better statement then to crush even the slightest sign of rebellion.  They are coming……..and they will destroy Mandalore.”

Fenn eyed the dark Mando.  “What do you plan?  To run??”

“Not while I live.  You should send the children and most of the women and helpless on transport off-world.  Anyone else may choose, flee………or die fighting.”

Fenn thought for a moment.  Turning, he scanned his brother Commandos who’d sworn oaths to protect Mandalore all it’s children.  All stood strait, fists tight around their weapons.  “You’re right; if Mandalore falls, the Mandalorian’s must live on.”  Fenn turned to his lieutenant.  “Confiscate all worthy transports for the evacuation; all children and youths 15 and younger will leave.  All their mothers are to be advised to go with them.?

“Yes Commander!”

Turning to another of his troopers, Fenn ordered, "Summon all Mando'a who are not leaving to meet in the Hall of Warriors."

The trooper nodded and ran out.

Turning to Drakus’s team, Fenn noticed they were all standing, hands waiting to feel their weapons.  “What say you?”

“We are here to the end!” Cabur nearly shouted.

Ma’ryk’s  hands were balled into tight fists.  “My Clan is gone; I have nothing left but my home and what I carry.  They shall not take my home while I live….”

The others nodded in agreement.

Fenn returned the gesture.  “Give them back their weapons.”  The commandos quickly obeyed.  Fenn then turned back to Ralin.  “We have much to do…….come with me.”

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ma'ryk sighed in relief.  is gun was back, and the enemy was coming.  And he just could't wait to plaster the enemy.  And if he died in the process, well, he would be sure that he would die on his home soil. The new High Inquisitor didn't know what he was getting himself into, challenging the whole of Mandalore.  Ma'ryk would be glad to be a small part of teaching the Inquisitor the error of his ways.  Behind his cold T-Shaped visor, Ma'ryk grinned darkly.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

The roar of departing transports could be heard through the ancient walls of the Warrior’s Hall.  The massive structure was held up by the rib bones of a great Mythosaur killed by one of the first Mandalores.  This hallowed hall had held the war counsels of every great Mandalorian era since it’s construction in the ancient times.  Standing behind Fenn on the high ivory thrown overlooking the thousands of Mando Warriors seated at the long outstretched tables below, Ralin felt a pride for his home-world as never before.  All was quite as Fenn raised his hand.

“We’re called here for the most dire of situations, my vode.  The Empire is comin’……… we believe to destroy us.”  Fenn stood firm, yet a slight touch of emotion could be heard in his unaltered voice, his helmet cradled in his hand.  “I, as leader of the Mandalorian Defense Command, have ordered the evacuation of the children and their mothers.  There aren’t many transports left.  Each of you now has a choice; will you run?  Or stand here with us and face this enemy?”

The hall remained silent.  Nearly all stood firm with the exception of a few in the back ranks who slipped out, trying not to attract attention.

“Mando'ade! Tsikador kote!” came a shout from one of the warriors through the silence.  Many turned, and some put their arm and responded “Ahhhh Ooooo!”

Ralin quickly unslung his sniper rifle and leapt to the highest point on the elevated thrown.  “I DIDN’ HEAR YOU!!!” he shouted out to the masses below.  “MANDO’ADE!!!  TSIKADOR KOTE!!!!!!!” Ralin yelled as he held his rife up over his head.

“AAHHHH OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” roared the assembly back, their unified sound sending a vibration down the spine of all, both literally and emotionally.  Watching the back, Ralin could see many of the Mando’s who’d walked out coming back it.

Slowly stepping back down, Ralin turned to Fenn.  “We’re ready.  Do we have a plan?” 

Fenn turned and grinned slightly.  “I’ll show you…”

*Ok, as I see it next posts should be V_M, then Si.  V_M, the commandos would be waiting for you.  Get intercepted by some SuperCommando StarVipers and get escorted to see Shaysa at a secret landing sight out in the jungle.  He and the rest of us will be along in my next post.  If you have a plan, PM it to me so I can post some of the dialog in case I don’t see you tomorrow *today, w/e*   Si, you can just land in Keldabe.  Claim to be a Mando and join the other Mandos as they pack up and march out into the jungle.

And yet, I totally stole the AHHH OOOO! From the movie 300.  If you think that’s madness……….keep your thoughts to yourself or don’t go near the Sarlacc pit   tongue

Oh, and btw, this is my 750th post   big_smile*

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

(( I would claim to be a mando, but I feel that she wouldn't pass muster, her weapon mainly being a lightsaber and that she is young and inexperienced. She would probably come in expecting them to want her help as a jedi, and them saying.. we don't need the jedi, and her begging to help out. Just my thoughts...this is getting very exciting!!))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ralin Drakus wrote:

And yet, I totally stole the AHHH OOOO! From the movie 300.  If you think that’s madness……….keep your thoughts to yourself or don’t go near the Sarlacc pit   tongue

Oh, and btw, this is my 750th post   big_smile*

((This is madness!

Madness? THIS IS MANDALORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

537 (edited by virulent_messiah Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:07 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker


I arrive as quickly as I can, entering realspace closer than expected. It is important that I move quickly. In my haste to flee I neglected to scan for possible tracers. I had managed to run a security sweep over my ships hull and throughout the ship, removing or disabling them, but by then I knew that Tho'un must have been informed of my most likely course plotting. Obviously he will be gathering a fleet to deal with the Mandalorians. That will mean trouble.

I am yanked out of my state of contemplation when a transmission comes through.

"You're a real brave barve entering Mandalorian space in a Firespray, arruetisse. You have several seconds before I decide to vape you..." the voice said as a wing of StarVipers flew in close enough to set off my proximity alarms. I can also see many vessels being escorted away from the planet and towards their hyperspace jumps.

They're evacuating...I'm too late... I sigh and begin to speak carefully. Mandalorians are not the kind to make demands to, especially not in my current position.

"Inform Ralin Drakus that They'da Starjammer requests asylum with the head of your Clans. Let him know that time is an issue here."

At that moment a massive disturbance in the force localizing in this system startles me. It is followed by several unidentified starfighters. The presense is most...familiar, made more so by a surprisingly familiar voice over the same channel.

"Will you please inform Fenn Shysa that Da'axh Starjammer, Saarai-kaar of the Jensaarai, and his escort also wishes to speak with him?"

"Maintain your current flight vectors, or you'll all be starfodder," said the now menacing voice. Any doubt was quickly obliterated by the arrival of several fighters of the defense forces, weapons locked and ready.

I patch into the leader of the newcommer's ships on a seperate channel. I recognize my father, resplendant in his Jensaarai armor. His helmet, modeled after the vicious Akk dog, stares fiercely at me.

"Saarai-kaar? What...?" I'm startled and confused.

"Not much time to explain, but we've suffered much loss at the hands of Sith agents...I knew you'd be here, I've foreseen it. It's good to know that you are safe, my son."

"I'm glad to see you as well, Father"

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Name: Marcus Starwind
Occupation: Mando Merc
Ship: Pulse
Background: Your typical Mando. Raised and trained on Mandalore, watched his 3 brothers killed in combat, is the bitter type, currently works in Hutt space.

Going into hyperspace, the message of recalling all Mandos back to Mandalore replayed over and over in Marcus's head. Finally getting into some real action, he activated his secret booster jets, which were only used when needed. Or, as in when he felt they were needed.

539 (edited by Sev Fett Friday, April 25, 2008 11:21 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Shiv began edging away from this fight.  Slowly Tanis followed.  They were about to find an escape pod when alarms calling all men to their positions to prepare for the hyperspace jump blasted. 

<I don't think we should risk it.  If it jumps anywhere near us we'll be torn to shreds.>

"Yes. We need to find a place to hide.  Follow me."

After much dodging and evading they were in one of the many hangers.  An old shuttle was siting there.  Perfect. They would hide there for now and wait out the jump...

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me.  It was self-defense.[/i]  -Richard the Warlock  [url][/url]

540 (edited by Si Titran Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:52 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Aliyah Onasi reentered realspace relatively close to Mandalore in her haste to arrive before the Imperium ships did. Someone else must have known something big was going to happen besides her because it was obvious to even her that the space traffic around the planet was not the usual. She didn't know where she needed to land to talk to someone that could make the best use of her knowledge and skills, so she just thought to land in the capital city Keldabe.

Aliyah touched down gingerly, not knowing what to expect from the Mandalorians. She had only heard stories and tales of their people out on the asteroid and had never made the accuaintance of one of the armored warriors. But they were enough to fill Aliyah with respect and awe. She lowered her boarding ramp and lightsaber in hand walked down into the landing dock. "So far so good" she thought to herself as she made her way to the street. The city was practically deserted, the signs of people leaving in a hurry all around. The she heard the voice through the helmet. "Freeze Sith"

And sure enough a team of Super Commandos had followed her down the street and now surrounded her, blasters raised in her immediate dierection.

"I'm not a sith." Aliyah replied as calmly as she could under the circumstances. "I am a jedi knight, come here to aid in the defense of Mandalore. The Imperium fleet stands to glass your world. I am here to help"

"The Jedi were vanquished over 20 years ago. How can you claim to be one of them? Only Sith now bother to carry those, arachic weapons, you call lightsabers."

"I will not fight you Mandalorian. I am Aliyah Onasi, trained by jedi Garen Mulin and Feris Olin. I have spoken with Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance, and I am determined to fight the Imperium and restore justice and peace." And with that she placed her lightsaber on the ground and kicked it toward the most apparent leader of the group, the one that had so far done all the speaking.

There was silence for a moment. It appeared to her as if the Super Commandos were talking to each other inside their T shaped visor's helmets. The Commando picked up the saber hilt and attached it to his own belt.
"Fine we shall take you to Fenn. But I do not trust you." With that he approached Aliyah and bound her wrists with a pair elctro- binders, placed a blind fold over her eyes and the team began leading her toward the secrete comand bunker.

(( I hope I have not dissapointed you ALor))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

541 (edited by Ralin Drakus Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:15 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

*NOPE!  Looks GREAT vod!  Exactly what I needed.  I should promote you  tongue*

As the Firespray patrol craft leans back for landing, it’s fierce backwash kicks up a strong wind across the isolated landing pad in the jungle.  Ralin’s kama’ pulls tight on his belt as it’s blown in the artificial windstorm.  Before the ship had even completely touched the ground, it’s loading ramp was down and Starjammer descended down it.  On the other side of the landing pad, the other starfighters were also landing, Fenn standing near the leader’s craft.

Starjammer stepped down onto the pad and eyed Ralin before walking over. 

Ralin’s arms were folded as he gazed at Starjammer.  “I Hear You’re A Hunted Man” Ralin nearly yelled over the roar of the StarViper escort as they peeled upward back to their patrol sectors. 

Starjammer’s face was concealed behind his warmask, but Ralin could read his surprise.  “How did you know?”

“You’re ‘replacement’s’ new admiral was careless and I overheard the aftermath of your demotion.  I also know he’s coming here, for you, and probably for us.”

Starjammer nodded.  “He is.”

“What I don’t know is what Task Force One is or it’s strength.  Care to enlighten me?”

“The Overlord’s Shadow and one Eclipse SSD’s, and fourteen old Impreial Star Destroyers for escort.”

Ralin’s arms fell uncrossed at that.  It was his turn to be surprised.  He’s expected a lot………but not that much.  “Why are you here?”

“To help if I can.  I don’t know what you think I am or what my former position was, but I assure you, I am NOT and NEVER WAS a Sith.  They are my sworn enemies.  If this is where we are to meet them in battle, so be it.  Our last partnership wasn’t the smoothest, and this one seems to have an even dimmer future, but if you will accept me, I shall fight and die here to protect this world from the darkness that is coming.”   

Yes…………….I think you would  “May the Force be with you in the battle to come, ner vod.”

“May it be with all of us.”

Ralin bowed his head in respect to the gesture.  “Join your father.  Fenn will detail our plan to you.”

Starjammer nodded back and rushed of to join the others.

Ralin started for his ship when his helmet com came to life.

*static*”Ralin, this is Solus down in the command center, you copy?”

“I’m here, what it is?”

*static*“We just got a transmission from Keldabe.  They just picked up a female Jedi who claims she’s here to help.  They have her on a gunship and they’re in your area now, but they want to know if they should really bring her in; they’re worried she’s a Sith agent trying to be taken to Fenn for an assassination or to find our security HQ.  What do I tell em’?*static*

Ralin considered it for a moment.  Another Jedi who wants to HELP??  What are the odds?  But maybe………..  “Bring her in.  We have enough friendly Jedi here that if she’s a Sith they’re be able to tell us.”

”Roger that, she’s inbound and will be there ASAP.  Solus out.”*static*   

Walking to one of the few empty landing slots left on the pad, Ralin again folded his arms and waited……….

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

542 (edited by Si Titran Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:27 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Aliyah accepted the blindfold and the binders, hoping to bolster trust between her and the Mandalorians. She felt them load her on a transport of some sort. She felt no fear, although perhaps she should, due to the fearsome reputation Mandalorian Warriors. The ship went up into the air, paused, flew in a few ciricles, obviously trying to confuse their blinded passenger before flying toward the base. It was only a matter of moment before they set down again. The pulled Onasi off the ship and took off the blindflold. The was an imposing figure waiting for them on the landing pad, armor all black. The commando that held her lightsaber walked up to the black armored warrior and handed the hilt to him, before returning to the ship and taking off.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

543 (edited by virulent_messiah Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:33 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

I walk over towards my father. I see that he is not only in his full Jensaarai armor, but also indeed wearing the trappings of the Saraai-kar. He is joined by fifteen other Jensaarai Defenders. Each of them are wearing armor that announces their service to the Jensaarai community. I see several types of designs, styled on animals that are not overly aggressive, but capable of adequately protecting themselves when threatened. I stand among them, taking in the details of their armor themes; an Iridonian reek, a Corellian sand panther, a rancor, a Kath hound, and some other more exotic creatures. They all wear cloaks over their full armor, but I could distinctly see a mix of male and females, as well as possible species distinctions. All are armed with various lightsaber designs.

"Saraai-kar," I begin as I walk towards my father, in his Akk-dog inspired armor.

"As I said, it is good to see you, my son. It pains me that it be under these circumstances." He gestures to the others, who have formed a circle around us. "These Jensaarai Defenders have agreed to travel here to here you speak, and decide whether to assist in helping to stop the Sith."

"Thank you," I say as I address the circle, "I know that I was not raised among the Jensaarai of the enclave, but..."

The one in the Iridonian Reek helmet, horns long and dangerously sharp, waves his hand dismissively, "No need, They'da Starjammer. Jensaarai do not have to be born in one place. Your father raised you as one of us,  so that is all that matters." The others nod in agreement, and as odd as it feels, I feel at home among them.

"Again, I thank you." I begin to address the gathering. "It has been my mission, in keeping my word in the bargain made with Skywalker, to serve at his side in the pursuit of peace. In doing so, I remained faithful to the Jensaarai, 'the hidden followers of truth' and have protected the enclave from threat of destruction. I have also watched Skywalker and gained his trust. He is a good man, plagued by the weight of a Galaxy at war. That burden has prompted choices that perhaps he should not have made. I do not condone these choices. However, I believe there is hope, that he can be guided away from the darkness to serve a greater destiny."

I allow the words to sink in for a moment and continue on, "Someone has seen fit to take away that hope, to amass power by embracing this darkness and wield it against us. They have forced me away from my duty as the New Imperial Order's High Inquisitor, and seek to corrupt others and spread their lies to take control. I am sure that they have Skywalker, or know where he is. They draw near, promising death and destruction to these proud and honorable warriors, these Mandalorians. I have brought this here. I intend to help. If you agree, please join me."

I look around silently, waiting for the Jensaarai to choose.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ralin gauged the weapon in his hand for a moment.  He remembered his father’s stories of the Mandalorian Wars and the battles where Mando battled Jedi for control of the entire galaxy.  With such a delicate thing, Revan defeated Mandalore…….

Ralin held the weapon behind his back as he shifted his gaze to the bound woman before him.  “Why are you here Jetii?”

“I’ve come to help; in anyway I can.”

“This is not your battle; why would you join it?” he probed. 

“Because the Sith are a stain on the galaxy.  They destroyed the Jedi Order and murdered it’s knights; I have been trained since childhood to fight them by one of the few who escaped.  Release me if you have no use for me and I’ll fight them on the next world they try to vaporize.  Else remove these bonds let me join you.”

Ralin leaned his head back slightly as he estimated the young Jedi’s resolve.  This one has spirit……..  “Release yourself; I know you can, Jetii.”

The Jedi cocked her head slightly, not expecting the Mandalorian to be familiar with the subtle tricks one could play with the Force.  With little effort she quickly manipulated the locking mechanism inside the cuffs, and they fell free.  Just before the hit the surface she used the Force to catch the cuffs, lift them back up in the air, and slowly sent them floating to the Mandalorian.  “I believe these are yours” she smirked.

In a single quick motion, Ralin snatched the cuffs from the air with his left hand while his right ignited the Jedi’s lightsaber and  swung it around near the startled Jedi’s throat.  “And this is yours” he hissed.  Holding the humming blue blade very near, he leaned a little closer.  “Know this, Jetii, the time for games is over.”  Leaning back, he deactivated the blade and held out the hilt to it’s master.  “Join us if you wish, or return to Keldabe for your ship and leave us.  We have a battle to prepare.” 

Gingerly taking the weapon, the Jedi seemed unsure what to say or think as Ralin stepped away and started after Starjammer and his party, who were all following Fenn to the bunker’s entrance. 

As he walked, Ralin muttered, “It’s a shame the ancient art of Battle Meditation seems to be lost to your kind…..”

Looking after the Mando, the Jedi called after them.  “I am skilled in Battle Meditation.”

Ralin stopped cold.  He slowly looked back over his shoulder, his T-visor gleaming in the harsh Mandalore sunlight.  “Really now……”

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker


Tho'un stood at the bridge of the Eclipse, he much preferred it to the Vader-Class ship. The Imperial Assault Fleet was heading to Mandalore.  He knew the Mandalorians would try to resist, it was their way. He would have to crush them. And he knew it. He turned, walking away from the transparisteel windows on the bridge, his hoofs clanging against the deck.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ben griffin had been on his vacation prior to his last mission, he had also been promoted to sergeant.
he stood on the bridge of an old imperial star destroyer. his rifle slung over his shoulder and his helmet hanging in his left hand.
the destroyer was part of the fleet heading to destroy some rogue inquistitor or something. he didnt know the details, he just knew there was gonna be fighting and a nice bounty for some mandal what ever people they where called, silly names! is what he thought! he looked over his shoulder to see his elite commando squad prepping the gear. there ETA was unknown so they had time to relax, but griffin wouldnt let them. these people with silly names where good fighters, some said they where the best. but the sheer force against these.....silly named people was unmatchable, the silly named people where outnumbered.
Griffin didnt trust the inquistitors one bit. anyone who has a lightsabre cant be trusted unless its your boss! or someone well really that saying is really stupid......
"Dam it griffin stop talking to yourself" his female corporal, amanda said
"ooops sorry!" griffin shyed away
"Orders are to prep the equipment and men for maybe a planetary assault and capture, see to it corporal!" Griffin responded

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Well it seems like I cant break the habit of jumping into the middle of RPGs can I?

Name: Jex

Class: Mandalorain Super Commando

Age: 39

Armor Color/type: Black with downward green stripes along the chest, signifying his duty to justice . Uses sholder spikes to impale his foes. Also uses a 'neck' guard that prevents decapitations. Utilizes assualt type varint of the super commando armor leaving few places to get at with a blade. Next to invicible against small arms fire.

Status/ Location: Mandolore, Jungles

Weapons: Mainly a Melee combat specialist utilizing two dagger like weapons. However still uses one modifed disrupter pistol weapon.

Personnality: Dark and Cold. Bordering on evil. Not the family loving type. 

Mandalore Jungles

Jex with the countless other Mandalorain commandos waited for orders in the assembly area, Jex had the need to serve justice.
It was his calling in life, His only calling.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ralin held one of the handrails and stared out from the gunship as it soared over the treetops.  Recovered somehow by the SuperCommandos, the old LAAT/i was in prime condition; even better then prime with the upgraded Mandalorian weapons and higher tech integrated into it’s systems. 

The sky was dark and gray, despite the morning hour.  The first rain drops began to strike Ralin’s T-visor as he leaned outside the craft and watched the approaching mountain range.  The two ridgelines came into view threw the mist, allowing him to see their V shape where they connected to the great mountain beyond.  Just north of Keldabe, the cold, dark embrace of the mountain’s off-shooting ridges would be where his people made their stand.  The ridges would protect their flanks, while the mountain protected their rear, while also cutting off their retreat; not that any would run.  A single river ran down the center of the of the opening between the ridgelines, and wound it’s way down to Keldabe.

Arriving at the battle line, even Ralin’s keen helmet assisted eye could only see a few Mandalorian warriors below.  The pilot hovered, over the trees, sliding back and forth trying to find a place to land.  But the high, thick jungle wouldn’t allow it.  After a few minutes, Ralin gave up waiting and leapt out, using his jetpack to land.  Even this proved difficult, as the tangled canopy proved very dense.  Hitting the ground and cutting his pack’s engine, Ralin reviewed the landscape.  The jungle will be MOST useful.  No chance of AT-ATs or even AT-ST’s operating in this, and will force any close air support to be called off for fear of hitting their own troops.

A black and green armored SuperCommando stepped out of the undergrowth and nodded his helm.  “Captain Drakus, my name is Jex.  I am to be your second.  All units are prepared for their orders; we are yours to command.”

Ralin swelled with pride at his new rank, personally appointed to lead the ground defense by Fenn himself for his experience leading large formations during his time in Wild Space.  Nodding back in respect for the fellow warrior who was placing himself under a new commander on the eve of battle, Ralin waved him to follow.  “We have much to prepare.”

Mandalorian Command Bunker

Fenn Shysa gazed down on the indicator lights on the holo projection of Mandlore and the space around it.  The blue unit indicators were all in position, and now it was time…….

With a deep breath, Fenn activated his helmet com to one of his lieutenants.  “Titan is go for launch.”

”As you command, alor.  Oya Manda!”

“Oya Mando’ad”

Turing to the master defense console, Fenn nodded to its operator.  Removing the safety shield, the armored console operator pressed a large red button.  Deep in the bowls of the underground complex, three separate generators went live. 

Looking back to the holo display of Mandalore, Fenn watched as a blue, translucent sphere appeared over the planet Mandalore.

Letting out a deep breath he’d been holding, Fenn stepped over to the communications center.  “To all units, Titan is a go and Defense Phase One is under way.  Mind you’re vode and fight with Honor……..and for our Jetii allies, my the Force be with you.  Fenn out.”

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

549 (edited by virulent_messiah Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:35 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker


I can't beleive I'm doing this...

I'm seated in an unmarked starfighter, in position out of Mandalore's nightside, in a squadron led by my father. We are silently anticipating the arrival of Inquisitor Tho'un and his Peacekeeper fleet.

...His fleet...The thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

We have planned as best we can, even to the point of masking our Force presences  with ysalamiri. We'll be flying blind, as far as Force abilities go, but with each of us experienced at hiding in the Force, it will not matter. We will be the ones striking hardest at the heart of the fleet, and our surprise advantage is crucial.

The Mandalorians fighting here and planetside will keep the Commanders of the Imperial Order's fleet more than busy. When the agreed upon time comes, we will strike hard. The Sith will know what it is to make an enemy of the Jensaarai.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

550 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Tuesday, April 29, 2008 1:34 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Alarms blared in the hangars of the ships, pilots sprinted to their stations, they would be deployed as soon as the ships completed the transition back to real space. A voice came over the speakers, almost a pleasant voice, out of place in a warship preparing to deploy. "REAL SPACE TRANSITION IN TEN MINUTES. ALL SQUADRONS PREPARE FOR IMMEDIATE  DEPLOYMENT"

The ten minuets went faster then expected. IP-56397 thought so anyways. He was a bomber pilot. His target was designated as zone 001. "Launch control to Firestorm squadron, you will launch immediately after your escort, copy?" The squadron's leader responded "Copy that launch control, ready for takeoff." An alert sounded over the ships intercom "REAL SPACE TRASITION IN 10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2... TRANSITION"  The blast doors flew open, and Mandalore  filled their view . Firestorm's escort launched immediately, closely followed by Firestorm squadron. 

Around them the fourteen star destroyers began to release their fighters and bombers. Behind them the Eclipse had released itself from the  Vader class, and they were heading towards the planet, going into closer orbit. His ships entered the atmosphere, weapons ready. They were to bomb Keldabe. More ships were in the distance, each with their own objectives. Some went to cities, others had been outfitted with firebombs, to burn the jungle.


Tho'un watched as the ships were deployed, thousands of ships, fighters, bombers, landing craft swarmed towards Mandalore, the Star Destroyers were in close orbit. The invasion had begun.


A ship appeared, followed by another, and another, and another. The grey triangular shapes began releasing swarms of smaller ships which then headed to the planet. Soon, twelve ships floated in space, eight Star Destroyers, and four Interdictor cruisers. Suddenly a giant was among them, dark and menacing.  An Executor Class Star Dreadnought had arrived.  As the other ships began their attack so did it,its own ships were released  and it closed in on the blue and green orb, as it floated all alone in the dark void of space

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]