451 (edited by Valthonin Monday, March 10, 2008 9:31 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

"Simple... we get ourselves captured." The blond smiled as she piloted the freighter to exit Coruscant's upper atmosphere.

Just then Tanis looked out the cockpit and into space. The fleet of Star Destroyers was already waiting for them.

"Blast..." Tanis said as he placed a hand over his face and sighed. Despite this being the best way to get on the ship, he was never a fan of being captured by the Imperials.

Back in Vader's day, when Tanis would get caught, it was especially nerve racking. Once the Stormtroopers would discover a lightsaber in his possesion, they woukd immediatly inform Lord Vader. And in one particular event, Vader just happened to be in the vicinity when Tanis was captured....


Prior to the destruction of the Death Star I...

Tanis Ardion is on a Rebel Special Forces mission to Danuta to obtain the Death Star plans. This was the first attempt to steal the plans, one of Jedi Knight Corwin Shelvay's mission. It failed.

Stealth was of the ultimate priority on the mission, so Tanis was the only one infiltrating the Imperial Base the housed the plans. After making it to the Central Core, where the mainframe computer that held the plans were being held, Tanis is locked in the room after his ship was discovered and the base went on lockdown.

Practically a legion of Stormtroopers walked through the door as it opened later while they swept the base looking for him. He was forced to surrender. They confiscated the plans he had downloaded onto a memory disk. A lightsaber was found, and he was taken to Lord Vader, who happened to be in the base inspecting the plans....

The doors on the turbolift hiss open to the observation deck, where Darth Vader stood looking out a window at the barren and desolate Danuta landscape below. Tanis is brought up to Darth Vader, flanked by 6 Stormtroopers and an Imperial Officer. The Imperial Office walks up to Lord Vader.

"He was armed only with this." The officer says and hands Vader Tanis' lightsaber. Vader doesnt move for a few more moments. Lost in thought while staring at the desolate landscape. His breathing was the only sound in the observation deck. A Stormtrooper shifts nervously beside Tanis.

The 7 foot tall black armored Sith Lord slowly turns his head and looks at the lightsaber. He does not pick it up. The officer takes a step back and lowers his hand with the lightsaber still in his hand. Vader turns completely now, and Tanis looks into the red pits of seething hate that were Vader's lenses. Vader's breathing apparatus hisses softly, but ominously.

Vader looks down at Tanis. His anger nearly makes Tanis stumble.

"I am impressed, Jedi. (he breathes) You have lived this long. And before I destroy you, you will reveal any hidden Rebel Bases or any other information that will lead to the oblitheration of the Rebellion." Vader says to Tanis.

Tanis didn't know how he mustered it. he didnt know how he forced it out of his mouth, how it actually escaped his lips.


Vader rasies his hand and makes a clenching gesture with his hand. Tanis is lifted off the ground, his windpipe being crushed by the force. His gasps for air contrast Vader's calm breathing. After a few moments of flailing in the air and grasping at his neck, Tanis' vision begins to fade. Vader has not moved an inch while he slowly rips the life force from Tanis.

Tanis looks at the horrified Imperial Officer and at the lightsaber in his shaking hand. Tanis looks once more at Vader, and Vader tilts his head in a puzzled manner so slightly it is barely noticable.

'He is about to attempt an escape...' Vader thinks.

Tanis force pushes Vader and Vader is sent flying through the window of the observation deck. The broken glass flys everywhere. Tanis force pulls his lightsaber out of the Officer's hand and he ignites it as he jumps through the hole in the glass where Vader flew through. The Stormtroopers were too late. Red laser bolts flew out the hole in the wide window as Tanis fell to the ground.

The observation deck was 30 stories up a tower, so it was quite a ways down. Tanis saw Vader, who already had his lightsaber out and was using his cape to slow his decent and catch up with Tanis. Tanis and Darth Vader clashed with amazing force during the free fall. They exchanged blows, and Tanis tried as hard as he could to avoid Vader. The green and red blades spun int he air as they fell and soon the barren ground of  Danuta was rushing up to them.

Tanis landed first and used the Force to cushion his fall. He slammed into the ground on his knee and earth flew everywhere. He broke into a run for the giant boulder infront of the base where his ship was hiding behind. Vader landed behind him and it was as if he weighed 10,000 pounds. Tanis had used the Force to cushion his fall, yet Vader used it alternatively. He slammed into the ground with supernatural force and the ground shook and Tanis stumbled. Rocks and chunks of dirt exploded around him as if Darth Vader had been a meteor.

Tanis looked back momentarily and saw Vader slowly rising from the crater he created. Tanis broke into a Force run now and ran around the boulder. 7 Stromtroopers were next to the ship, inspecting it. Tanis quickly dispatched them and ran aboard his YT-2400, the Raider. The ship automatically took off as Tanis ran up the boarding ramp. He stopped and turned to see Vader standing next to the boulder, already out of reach. Vader deactivated his lightsaber, and watched Tanis' ship disappear into space.

Later on the voyage back home, Tanis found and destroyed the tracking device aboard his ship.


Now Tanis watched the Star Destroyers bearing down on the ship, reminiscent of the time Darth Vader nearly strangled him to death.

(Somewhat pointless but...Hey why not? big_smile)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

The Anxarta-class Light Freighter exited Coruscant's atmosphere, and immediately attracted the attention of several flights of Predators. The blond woman juked left and flew into position to fire at one of them, reducing it to instant light and debris. Immediately, the commboard registered an incomming transmission.

She smiled as she flipped the switch, "Unidentified Freighter, this is your last chance to reduce your speed and prepare to be escorted."

She smiled again muttering, "Amateurs..." as she flew in towards the massive Vader-class Peacekeeper Flagship, known as The Overlord's Shadow.

The wookie snarled an unpleasant sound.

"I know, Shiv. I know...hey lady. My friend and I thought you wanted to get us captured, not vaporized."

She smiled "Call me Bria, and yes...captured is what we want to be. We're riling them up enough to consider us a real threat. Throw us in a nice cushy brig, maybe."

The wookie crossed his arms and snarled softly. The hooded man shook his head, "Doesn't sound like fun to me either, pal."

Another voice said over the comm, "Pilot, you have been warned."

With that, the ship shuddered violently. Bria folded her arms behind her head and kicked her feet up on the now frozen steering yoke. "Tractor beam," she smiled, "Enjoy your last few seconds of freedom, boys. With the cargo I've got on board, we're all looking at 30 years in Kessel, easy..."

With that, they felt the familiar thud of the Anxarta-class Light Freighter landing in the Shadow's hangar bay.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

The peace keepers of Griffins 501st squad blew the doors and stormed into the hangar...Griffin stood...frozen.
"how the hell!?" he exclaimed

it was empty. they had gone.

"Corporal Griffin this is command, we have them in a tractor beam, seems you scared them away or something over"

"roger that command, Griffin standing down. awaiting orders"

His helmet then flashed....<Standing down. mission aborted>

"Squad move back, Alisano send down a dropship to pick us up" Griffin barked as he lay down a green flare.

with that he slung his assault blaster over his shoulder and let out a heavy sigh before taking a cigar out of his utility pouch,

<it might be a victory cigar but god dam it i need it>

with that he ignited it and puffed away....

His team had somewhat failed and succeeded.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Aliyah piloted her Nubian, The Spire, out of hyperspace. She was still about a days travel from Coruscant, but she wasn't going to risk comming out of hyperspace so close to Triple Zero, and get captured as soon as she entered real space. But she had more than enough to think about as she made her approach to the city in search of Master Tanis and felow Jedi Knight Shvaark. Hopefully she could aid the pair and assist them in thier mission to find Master Kharn.

It had been some time after their leader Ferus Olin had died at the hands of Darth Vader himself. But that was only after he had shared a horrible secrete about him to her Master and teacher Garen Muln. He had never spoken of it, but Aliyah knew it was importaint as it had shaken Muln. But that seemed like ages ago, and now the only ones who knew of the asteroids existance were there. Her father had just arrived, with much news of the outside galaxy. It seemed like only bad news. And there was so much to tell. Her mother had died, and the Rebels had seemingly dissapeared from known space anongst many things. There were somethings her father had said that she just didn't understand at the time too.. But he did offer hope. Princess Leia had sent him a coded message, for Aliyah and Master Muln. It was cordinates for the hidden base of her operations. Garen decided that he was too old and frail to travel anymore. Even with the force as his ally he was old and weakening physically.

Her father chose to stay and help with what was left of the base, the very few who remained, and Garen. So Aliyah left to the Unknown regions.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Name: Mi'kal Aruut

Age: Unknown (Possibly late 20's, early 30's)

Species: Human

Appearance:  Blond hair, grey eyes which at times appear to be void of any emotion.  A little taller than the
average human at 6'4".  Lean stature.  Very handsome and has taken advantage of this on multiple missions.

Affiliation: Sith Apprentice to Lumiya

Weapon:  Single Red Lightsaber Blade.  It's more of a deep Crimson.
Lightsaber Style: Master of Djem So.  As Lumiya has a lightwhip she encourages him to choose the unorthodox.  So he developed his own style.  So he holds his lightsaber in a reverse grip.  This results in longer wider sweeps. He relies on surprise for this and quick disarming moves.  he quickly cycles between the two for a deadly attack style.  Recently Lumiya has begin to teach him how to properly channel his anger.  He lashes out quite often and Lumiya believes if he could properly channel his anger he could rival many a Jedi master.

Personality:  As mentioned above is a very violent and angry individual.  He has been to known to act very brashly to a point where a Sith had to tell him to keep his anger down.  Which only made him more angry.  He also employs the classic Sith style of Dun Moch.  Which is a taunting and berating of opponents working towards domination of will.

Ship: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cutlass-9_patrol_fighter
Lumiya gave him a Stygium crystal which he placed in his ship, The Hssiss.  Stygium enables his ship to be invisible to visible light scanners.  His emissions are still visible. 

Mi'kal floated in orbit just outside the scanner range of The Overlord's Shadow.  Lumiya had instructed him to stay put until she told him "intervention" was needed.  Mi'kal loved intervention.  But for now he tried his best to meditate on the upcoming battle.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me.  It was self-defense.[/i]  -Richard the Warlock  [url]http://archive.lfgcomic.com/lfg0002.gif[/url]

456 (edited by virulent_messiah Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:56 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Still somewhat furious at having been one-upped by the Trandoshan, I made my final calculations for the jump to hyperspace, once I'd been assured that the Kuat sector was in Peacekeeper hands. I had to act quickly to arrive at Coruscant in time to recieve the data triangulating the traitorous Mandalorian's most probable last known jump coordinates.

How could I have been so naive? It seemed far too easy for them to betray me for possession of Kuat. It had to be the other Mandalorian, somehow they knew him...and what? Gave a better offer? Who in the force forsaken void could they be working for?

I needed answers, but first...Skywalker. I was late for our rendezvous...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

457 (edited by Ralin Drakus Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1:22 am)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

The small group of starships dropped out of hyperspace simultaneously at the agreed upon coordinates, a randomly chosen spot in the void of space.

Ralin had spent most of the short trip tending to his wounded leg.  Solus had offered him the use of the medical equipment he carried on board his ship, but Drakus refused it.  His own supplies were sufficient, and no need to take a chance.  The `medical supplies` could be laced with anything.  Although such a possibility was faint, he wouldn’t take any chances until he knew Solus better.   

Moving up into the cockpit area with his host, Ralin could see the other ships tighten up on his wings, including the Blood Hawk, which was piloting itself. 

"We`re all here" Ma`ryk`s voice crackled over the com.  "In case any of you didn`t notice, our ships were bugged before takeoff.  I got all of them out of my ship.  You all better double check yours before we make our next move."

Ralin had picked several of the tracking bugs out of Solus`s ship during the flight, but hadn’t had time to fully sweep the craft of them yet.  “Good idea.  And speaking of our next move, where are we headed for?  Mandalore is a good spot, as well as Tatooine or Geonosis.  Is there somewhere better we can take refuge so we can plan our next move?”

*I don’t really care where we go.  Mandalore makes the most sense I think, and if we get a new player who wants to play as a Mandalorian we can pic you up.  But if we can make it more fun to go somewhere else that’s fine with me*

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

((Tatooine would be good, if slightly overused in terms of plot device tongue.  However, being such a backwater planet, it would make sense to go there.  People of every kind wind up in that area.  Prolem being , most wil sell you out for a couple credits.  I don't care where we go either.))

Ma'ryk reclined in Stingray's pilot chair.  Sensors were working well, and with the bugs gone, he was the most dangerous thing to Starjammer: Unpredictable.  However, dealing with Force-users never resulted in the way one wanted it to, and he had to remember to take their abilities into account.  At the moment, though, he was too busy analysing the suggested hideout locations.

"Coruscant is a definite 'no', Drakus," Ma'ryk said with a grin.  "I heard Tatooine's nice and warm this time of year.  But then, so is Geonosis.  And on the other hand, I haven't been to Madalore for ages.  All this talking amounts to: I am undecided, in that I don't mind any of them.  Just don't send us into Skywalker Central, eh, vod"

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

*i'm not sure what kind of defense system is up around Coruscant at this juncture. This is why I'm unsure partically of what to post. Is it similar to whats around during Shadows of the Empire? I'm also unsure of where her fellow jedi are, so that I may start searching. I'm sorry I'm being such a pain.*

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

460 (edited by Lord Revan Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:20 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

"Can do." Solus couldn't help but to laugh, Skywalker was the last person he wanted to see. "Tatooine is the sheb hole of the Galaxy, and crawling with Peacekeeper spies for sure...Geonosis is rather devoid...all that's there are the remains of the old CIS factories and the local insect inhabitants. Mandalore, on the other hand, isn't a bad choice."  Besides, I should  probably get back and see the wife... He glanced over to the other ship's cockpits, they all shrugged. Solus comfortably leaned back in his seat.

"Your call, Drakus."

"This IS my signature."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Si Titran wrote:

*i'm not sure what kind of defense system is up around Coruscant at this juncture. This is why I'm unsure partically of what to post. Is it similar to whats around during Shadows of the Empire? I'm also unsure of where her fellow jedi are, so that I may start searching. I'm sorry I'm being such a pain.*

(Si, as far as Coruscant's defenses, picture the Empire at the height of its power, and a few extras including the presence of a flagship twice the size of an Imp Duece-star *Imperial Super Star Destroyer*...as far as where Tanis and Shiv are currently, if you choose to follow the story we talked about, you tracked them as far as Coruscant, when the trail went cold...:D. Any other questions? )

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

((Don't forget the eclipse tongue))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Oh yeah...that too...lol

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

“Your call, Drakus” said Solus over his shoulder, though leaving the com on for all to hear. 

“Mandalore it is, then.  We can rest and refit there, and then get down to working out next move.”

He didn’t mention it, but it was obvious that one of the first points of planing their next move was deciding what to do about Solus and his other passenger. 

After watching the ships dart into hyperspace and then seeing Solus's craft launch itself into the hyperspace tunnel after them, he returned to the hold and sat on the bunk across from Kuat.  Folding his arms, he leaned back against the bulkhead.  Ralin stared back at Kuat, who was no longer trying to avoid the pircing T-visor as he had during the trip to get here. 

“What did Starjammer want with you?” Ralin wondered as closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

465 (edited by Si Titran Wednesday, March 26, 2008 7:33 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Aliyah landed on an older landing pad in a particularlly old section of the city. The falsified landing codes and hyperspace navagation had done their job perfectly and she was now planetside.  She did what she could to supressed he force imprint, as she would as long as she was on Coruscant. The risk of those working for Skywalker and the New Imperial Order was too great to risk it. But she knew in her heart that it couldn't last. Skywalker who once walked the light would find his way to return. Aliyah had no choice but top believe that it could be done.

She walked away from The Spire and deeper into the city's underworld. There still were many citizens who longed for better and happier times. Off in the distance she could see the remains of the old Jedi Temple and the Sentate building,both left standing vacant as testimony to the power of the Imperical Order and the Galatic Empire before them. Aliyah felt small and lost in the vastness of the planet and its inhabitants, but she walked on, heading towards the Orange district. She was hoping that there was still those friendly to the cause amongst the orange lights. Perhaps.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

(ooc: 'Empire' is now 'New Imperial Order'...just a reminder...)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ralin’s eyes snapped open as the short range alarm sounded inside his ear-piece.  Without moving from his sitting position, he watched as Kuat walked cautiously by him, returning from the refresher at the other end of the room.  As the other man got back into his bunk and pulled the sheets over his shoulder, Ralin quietly unfolded his arms and moved to the cockpit again.

Climbing the ladder up to the control station, Ralin could see Solus turn his head slightly to regard him as he entered.  “Can’t sleep?” asked Solus as he righted his pilot’s seat from the leaned back position he’d been relaxing in.

“Just woke up.  How long until we get home?”  Drakus was almost surprised at how he let himself slip and say “home” instead of the more generic ‘Mandalore’ or ‘destination.’  Maybe I am homesick…..

“A few hours still” said Solus after making a quick check.

Leaning against the back of Solus’s chair, Ralin surveyed the controls and readings.  He’d never seen a craft like this one; very impressive…….and deadly.

“So, how do you know Cabur?”

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

468 (edited by Lord Revan Tuesday, April 8, 2008 7:05 pm)

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

"Ah, long story." Solus reached over to a control knob and dimmed the cockpit canopy, the swirling starlight made him a bit nauseous. "Found her on Onderon when she was very young, and I myself was a bit younger. I lived on Dxun at the time, making routine supply runs there for parts and other much needed equipment. One run I found that her so-called 'parents' were drunks from a local cantina in Iziz, spending what little credits they had on booze." ...da'buir... Solus thought. "I do know they were later arrested for theft and embezzlement. Cabur *attempted* to sneak onto my ship soon afterwards...I felt pity twords her and took her in...and that pity seems to have come back to save my shebs. Funny thing though, she has never spoken of her blood parents..."

"This IS my signature."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

“Honorable of you to take her from that; probably saved her life.”

“Yeah; she was in rough shape.  But she was strong for one so young, and feisty for such a little thing” Solus said with an obvious grin behind his T-visor.

“She hasn’t lost that” Drakus agreed.  “She has much respect for you.  You raised her yourself?”

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Ma'ryk was quickly realizing the folly of having a ship that had most controls automated.  There was nothing for him to do to spend his time.  He was forced to continually relax, and he was sure that he had already caught up on every second of sleep that he had missed earlier.  So he used his time to clean his armour, weapons, ship, and whatever else he could think of.  It would be a while yet before they arrived at Mandalore, and he wanted to make sure that his arrival there wouldn't be in some rust-bucket.  And he hoped that he wouldn't be wearing a rusty body bucket, either.  So he busied himself in his cleaning, polishing, and analyzing what data he had uncovered about the New Imperial Order in his spare time.  It wasn't important, but he was sure that in time, his research would bring up some...interestng tidbits of information.  Until then, he'd keep trying.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker


I arrive in system and am immediately transmitted the report I demanded as I left Kuat. I read the data quickly and am highly displeased by the outcome. It appears as though the group was tracked only as far as the Fondor system, and then somehow lost by the task force assigned to tracking their destination. I immediately contact Captain Yonka of the fleet assigned to secure Kuat's reclamation via holonet.

He looks uncomfortable as his image resolves on screen. With my full garb on I exude intimidation and anger.

"Uh...High Inquisitor Starjammer...It's a pleasure to hear fro-"

"Captain Yonka, I've just received the report from the task force you assigned to track the mercenaries and Kuat of Kuat. I'm displeased."

"Ah-uh...ummm, well we c-can assure you that we're still working hard to discern the groups most likely course of trav-"

"No need Captain. I want you to prepare your task force for reassignment."

"Reassignment, Sir?"

"Yes, Captain, they'll be sent here to the Overlord's Shadow, reassigned to the Gammorean Refresher Station Maintenance crews. Effective immediately."

"But...but, High Inquisitor, the fleet here is in need of all the competent crew personnel we can muster..."

"If they were as competent as you say, they would've hidden those tracking devices better, Captain. Make the transfer. Do not fail me again. I expect results next time."

"But...but High Inquisitor, with what task force shall we track them?"

"Something will be arranged, Captain."

With that I deactivated the Holonet link. It was time to meet with Skywalker...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

"Not alone, my wife Vey'liin had a major influence on her. Tough as Beskar, both of them..." Solus drifted off into silence for a moment, thinking of past memories...

((If you'd like me to add more I will, but I must sleep now.))

"This IS my signature."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

Mi'kal calmy watched the ship jump from hyperdrive not 100 yards away from him.  The ripples caused his ship to buckle but he din't dare turn on the engines at this close.  The Firespray gently floated towards The Overlord's Shadow.  Mi'kal wasn't sure what to do.  So he sent out a cry for help to Lumiya through the Force.  He hoped that she had defeaned the Force Senses of those around her...

((Not neccessarily Starjammer...))

Shiv was following Lumiya when a faint cry reached his mind.  It was a very muted cry.  But it caused him to pause.  He looked to Tanis but he gave no recignition of either hearing anything.  But that was just Tanis.  Something was up.

((Sorry if I took some liberties with the Force.  And again I have no idea where we are so if need be I can edit.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me.  It was self-defense.[/i]  -Richard the Warlock  [url]http://archive.lfgcomic.com/lfg0002.gif[/url]

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

((Shiv, Tanis, and Lumiya were pulled aboard the Overlord's Shadow by tractor beam... if you remember...

virulent_messiah wrote:

The Anxarta-class Light Freighter exited Coruscant's atmosphere, and immediately attracted the attention of several flights of Predators. The blond woman juked left and flew into position to fire at one of them, reducing it to instant light and debris. Immediately, the commboard registered an incomming transmission.

She smiled as she flipped the switch, "Unidentified Freighter, this is your last chance to reduce your speed and prepare to be escorted."

She smiled again muttering, "Amateurs..." as she flew in towards the massive Vader-class Peacekeeper Flagship, known as The Overlord's Shadow.

The wookie snarled an unpleasant sound.

"I know, Shiv. I know...hey lady. My friend and I thought you wanted to get us captured, not vaporized."

She smiled "Call me Bria, and yes...captured is what we want to be. We're riling them up enough to consider us a real threat. Throw us in a nice cushy brig, maybe."

The wookie crossed his arms and snarled softly. The hooded man shook his head, "Doesn't sound like fun to me either, pal."

Another voice said over the comm, "Pilot, you have been warned."

With that, the ship shuddered violently. Bria folded her arms behind her head and kicked her feet up on the now frozen steering yoke. "Tractor beam," she smiled, "Enjoy your last few seconds of freedom, boys. With the cargo I've got on board, we're all looking at 30 years in Kessel, easy..."

With that, they felt the familiar thud of the Anxarta-class Light Freighter landing in the Shadow's hangar bay.

That was where you guys last were as far as Lumiya... As far as the Force call, thats fine...just EDIT to compensate that either you and Tanis have escaped search somehow *without Lumiya, or Bria as she calls herself,* or are being prepped for transfer to prison cells pending a search...keep in mind you're in the belly of the beast...:D))

I'm heading out towards space away from Coruscant, to prepare for my exit to the next set of rendezvous coordinates to meet with Skywalker, when I feel a faint cry in the force...

A warning call...coming from somewhere nearby...very close...interesting...

I tell Glitch to run a full spectrum sensor sweep in a tight knit active scanning formation. He informs me that there are several anomolous readings in a couple of areas, but that with all the space traffic in this area its difficult to discern anything specific.

"I see, thank you Glitch..." I say as I stretch out my mind in the force in much the same way as the Wayward Soul's scanners, and pass over the echo left like a trail in the force. It's fragile and threatens to dwindle away. Yet I hold firmly, and slide along the thread of thought like a silent serpent in search of my prey. I can feel my anticipation rise and am vaguely aware of Scratch's notice of my predatory search. He knows I'm hunting and remains silent. Then I feel it. At the end of the thread is a mind that is wrapped in shadow. A predator like myself, but anxious and nervous. I smile as I slip in and find a single name before his mind slams down like a vice on my own, throwing me violently out of it.

I am slammed equally violently into my seat and make haste to return to The Overlord's Shadow.

Who is Lumiya?...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: RPG: Age of Skywalker

“Her skills are admirable; you and your wife did well.”

“Thanks.  We’ll be dropping from hyperspace in a minute.  Better check on our passenger and make sure he’s strapped in.”

Ralin sensed Solus’s lack of information to his questions was a signal that it was a private issue.  He wanted to know how they had separated, but that would be even more intrusive.  A question for another time when they knew each other better; if they were together long enough for it to matter.

Stepping into the passenger hold, Ralin turned to Kuat of Kuat.  “Strap in; we’re coming out of hyperspace” he said as he took a firm hold of the handles on each side of the ladder leading to the command deck…..

*K CA; you can post dropping out of hyperspace as discussed.  I not very familiar with Keldabe, so if anybody else wants to post entering the space port there and what we first see, please post it; we can go to a bar, hotel, where ever.

P.S.  Whoever posts dropping out of hyperspace, it might be a good affect to be intersepted by some of the Mandalorian SuperCommandos before we get cleared to land.  Just a tip.  Maybe we can get a cameo for Fenn Shysa and/or Tobbi Dala   big_smile *

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."