Topic: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

Jess, who has been a long-time member of BFFC and is also an artist, is now a moderator for the forums. Please welcome her in keeping the site up-to-par!

Founder/Editor, BFFC

Re: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

Thank you Aaron! It sure was a bit sudden and unexpected, but I am excited nonetheless!

I hope some of you old timer's remember me. I haven't exactly been super active in terms of my posting over the years, but I've always been consistently back again and again. It'll be a pleasure to work with this community, so don't be afraid if you have any questions at all, I'll be more than welcome to help out as need be! smile

-BFFC Manji aka Jess

Re: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

Congrats. ^_^

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."

Re: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

grats jess

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

Congrats! Merry Christmas

Re: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

Thank you everyone! I hope I'm doing okay... ^^;

-BFFC Manji aka Jess

Re: New Moderator: Manji_Ninja

I'm sure you'll be fine, welcome! wink

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...