Re: Aliit Forum
Im back!
Good to see another Aliit reppin'
Good luck with recruitment, Reg
I also have an MSN account:
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → Aliit Forum
Im back!
Good to see another Aliit reppin'
Good luck with recruitment, Reg
I also have an MSN account:
Add me as a Buddy!
got the info about your add, CA thanx! Any other takers?
You is on my list, ner'vod
BTW, there are rumblings for a new RPG to spice up the mix. It seems Val is coming up with a very interesting one; I suggest PMing him for info. Me thinks it will be a winner *I call Predator *
Um, not fair..... I call the better predator
hey should get your shebs in gear and post for that fight on AoS...lets get the ball rolling...:P
Wow, long time no posts here.
I have an RPG concept to throw out there. Because of school/work, however, I'm not sure I'll actually have the time to be active in it myself. So anybody who'd like to use it, feel free. If you'd like, I can do some behind the scenes advisory work, and maybe have a bit role.
I really got into the TV show "Firefly." Ironically enough, I didn't discover it until after it had been canceled; it was being reaired on SciFi Channel. I really think that in a lot of ways it was taken from the same mold as StarWars. It's ver much like what you'd expect Han and Chewie would have been doing before Ep. IV. Biggest differences is that there's no aliens, and it's future earth people rather then a seperate setting.
Here's the background for those who've never seen it: * Wiki link for those who don't want to read my take on it Head to the bottom and check the plot*
It's a distant future setting. Earth and the Milky Way galaxy has pretty much been used up, which caused a massive migration to a new star system. Many new planets and moons were terraformed into Earth like planets. Although much smaller then the SW setting, there is an 'Centeral Core' of powerful worlds surounded by an "Outer Rim" of worlds that have in many ways devolved back to western style tech due to neglect and lack of attention from the inner core.
At some point, the Inner sphere of planets decide they want to centeralize power, and force the self governing planets in the outer rim to submit to their power. A Civil War erupted, with the powerful centeral worlds crushing all opposition.
This post-war setting is where the TV show picks up. Captain Malcom Reynolds *the lead actory* and first mate are former "Brown Coats," or members of the failed seperatist faction. The crew and passengers is very diverse, all there for different reasons and add something unique to the story.
MY idea for an RPG is not to BE the crew of the Serenity *the name of the ship in the TV show,* but rather to be in a similar situation. Small ship, small crew, finding odd jobs across the galaxy as mercs, smugglers, etc.
Please ask if you have questions
I'd also like to dust off the idea of a Mech Warrior RPG. For details, so my earier post on that one
Any thoughts?
Never saw it. Always thought it was like B grade sci fi/ fantasy. I like my A grade SW thank you very much
Never saw Firefly but i am familiar with the serenity movie that spun off from the series and Ive played the Serenity tabletop RPG once or twice...
sounds cool.
not so sure if my current activities would allow me any more time...
good luck, ner vod
Could be interesting. Not sure.
I'd love to reboot one of the old, unfinished ones, like Naboo or FF. Those just died out, and could be brought back. Or a slightly post-KotOR era RPG could be cool. Old Republic, in general. Not really KotOR related.
Those are both great ideas. Anybody got a next post in mind? I'll have to check them and see who's turn it was to post roughly...
Naboo--I had last post, but it was a "anyone goes" situation.
Freedom Fighters--Just waiting for anyone who wants to take the first shot.
A KotOR era one would be cool simply because it'd give both Mandos and Jedi/Sith fans a chance to work up some pretty sweet characters, or use old ones.
Ok I dont remember if I'm apart of this clan or Werda Verda's...I forgot
But I'd rather be with this one if thats ok.
Anyway I'm coming up with a 'Regular Use Character' (who is a mando) and I thought id let you guys look over it and let me know what you think.
Name: Jax Talos
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Organization: Mandalorain (specialized Merc)
Weapons: Highly Customized E-11 blaster rifle, complete with 15x25 scope, enhanced power cells for long range, and longer lightweight gunbutt to minimize recoil when on rapid fire mode, and to steady shots when sniping.
Armor/Type: Mandalorain Assault Armor. ( ) (Same Colors) Armor increases strength by 25% due to servomortors in the armor. Vibroblades on both Gauntlets.
History: Jax Talos is a Mandie Merc who is recruited by different goverments to train milita troops and spearheads assaults with said troops. His reputation for training milita men has become know in a fairly large portion of the galaxy. His experience is of high value to riseing/falling goverments, and he has yet to have a lull in the work flow.
Well, both clans are posting in this thread these days, so I'll let you clearify before welcoming you into Aliit Drakus
Nice character btw. Never seen that type of armor before
Hey there, people!
It's been a looong time..
Been busy with the University, no internet and all... I think, at last, I have returned.
I'm a huge Firefly fan, got the series, movie, comics and pen and paper rpg pdfs.
I'd be really interested in a game like that.
Anyways, it's really good to be back, i'll be seeing the lots of you!
Hey there, people!
It's been a looong time..Been busy with the University, no internet and all... I think, at last, I have returned.
I'm a huge Firefly fan, got the series, movie, comics and pen and paper rpg pdfs.
I'd be really interested in a game like that.
Anyways, it's really good to be back, i'll be seeing the lots of you!
HEY HEY!!! Was worried about ya ner vod; good to have you back in action!
Another idea for a RPG is simple, basically, an entire RPG dedicated to Force users. Basically, a Jedi/Sith/Grey Jedi war, with ridiculous force powers and some interesting custom characters. Basically, like Force Unleashed, but with a TON of people all going at it. Not sure the time period, though.
That's a good idea. A Force Unleashed-style RPG would be awesome.
Another idea for a RPG is simple, basically, an entire RPG dedicated to Force users. Basically, a Jedi/Sith/Grey Jedi war, with ridiculous force powers and some interesting custom characters. Basically, like Force Unleashed, but with a TON of people all going at it. Not sure the time period, though.
Wow, that could be amazing!! Probably set during KotOR era, or maybe deep in the EU after the Yuzong Vong invasion.
Kotor I beg of you
I has the perfect character for it
Well, I would either do a Starkiller style character (really, a guy using one of the costumes and lightsabers, not a secret apprentice.) or a Halcyon (Corran Horn's family line) I just doubt it would have existed that far back. A Old Republic One would be cool, but we'll see what other people think.
I'd totally be in for said force battle royal....
Sounds like a hack'n'slash fest..... I'm In
Would be a nice change of pace to not play a Mando...maybe make it a rule that EVERYBODY who joins is a Force user; that would be another reason to chose Jedi Civil War era or before...there were so many of them that it's possible
Anybody interested in Moding said RP? I'd consider it, but school's got me to busy for more then an occasional post
Whoever does it, lets not do it too soon. We've got two semi-active RPG's going, and I don't want them to just die. Lets wait until they die down, hopefully a few weeks from now.
Yes, that's a good point. BattleDome looks like it's gonna be loads of fun; don't want to kill it off
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