Re: what is your favorite Star Wars Faction
Ur welcome.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → General → what is your favorite Star Wars Faction
Ur welcome.
crimminal underground.
no faction.
kind of a "hang out a lot at jabbas" affiliation.
crimminal underground.
no faction.
kind of a "hang out a lot at jabbas" affiliation.
LOL, that's a new one. I bet you play as Tiber Zan a lot in Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption
The Empire for sure. Not even any of the characters in particular, just the uniformity of the awesome costumes and equipment.
501st FTFW
The Galactic Empire.
Sure dey wuz bad, but If you threw the evil guys and the corrupt officers out, it wouldn't be a bad deal! Just think...several billion well trained, well armed, completly loyal soldiers to maintain law and order. Not to mention the Yuuzhan Vong war. The Death Star could have blown those stinking worldships right out of the sky!
My fave faction would have to be the Mandalorians.
Mandalorian would have to be my favorite. Followed up by the 501st
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → General → what is your favorite Star Wars Faction
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