Featured Topic: The Book of Boba Fett Episode 6

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Topic #4801
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
January 30, 2022 6:00 pm #

Quick links: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

In advance of the debut episode dropping in less than 3 days, here is our spot to discuss spoilers and reactions. Nothing on the topic is off topic. Enjoy!

After goofs again with IMDb data being wrong in advance, using them as a source isn't 100%. But the word on the street is Dave Filoni is directing Chapter 6.

February 1 update: according to Lucasfilm publicist Tracy Cannobbio on Twitter, it's Dave Filoni's episode tonight. No mention if he's the writer and director or just the writer (presumably).

Founder/Editor, BFFC
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 1, 2022 11:53 pm #

The episode is up early.

48 minutes (including the recap and long credits).

Cobb Vanth, Mando, R2, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ahsoka, Cad Bane.

Boba Fett shows up midway through briefly at Jabba's Palace with Fennec.

Directed by Dave Filoni.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 2, 2022 12:36 am (Edited February 2, 2022 12:44 am) #

They’ve wasted 2 episodes on BOBA FETT’s show with space wizard nonsense. These two episodes should have been in Mando Season 3. I was loving the show, but now they’ve wasted two episodes and the only caviar to this one is we got a little bit of Boba and Cad Bane and the Marshall. I have no idea what Favreau and Filoni are thinking, but we were promised 7 episodes of a Boba Fett show and we only have 4, the two are Mandalorian Season 2.5. I once again have waited a week for The Book of BOBA FETT, and got Mandalorian Season 2.5.

February 2, 2022 12:53 am #

At this point I wished Boba didn't got this series. Selling it as "The return of the legend" only to be the "legend" getting beat up and pushed into a side when the plot starts getting interesting.

No hope for the finale.

February 2, 2022 12:54 am #

Book of [Insert Here] at this point.

February 2, 2022 1:04 am #

Again, another great episode, but again another completely wasted Boba Fett episode.  I mean, seriously, what the actual F?  This story could have been done in the next seasons of Mandalorian and Ashoka.  It was cool to see a live action Cad Bane, but I have to be honest, the effects for his head and face were kind of lack luster.  Even if the final episode is completely and spectacularly amazing, wasting these past two episodes has put a wedge in the credibility of Filoni and Favreau, in my opinion.  They shouldn't have even bothered with doing a series about Boba Fett.  His appearance in the Mandalorian series was perfect.  The Boba Fett we had been hoping to finally get to see for years.  His appearance in his own series has been mostly underwhelming, at best.  I'm just so disappointed, right now.  I feel like someone has just kicked me right in the gut, and hasn't removed their boot.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
February 2, 2022 1:05 am #

Not gonna lie, I'm a little pissed at Luke right now!... How dare he make Grogu choose!

February 2, 2022 1:06 am #

When the episode ended, I threw my remote ( along with expletives) . Clearly this isn't aimed at us fans who fell in love with Fett when they first watched The Empire Strikes Back, before the dark times, before Disney. This is for a new generation of fans, time for me to accept it and move on. My nerd heart is crushed.

Cad Bane was a nice touch though.

February 2, 2022 1:08 am #
TerryCox wrote:

When the episode ended, I threw my remote ( along with expletives) . Clearly this isn't aimed at us fans who fell in love with Fett when they first watched The Empire Strikes Back, before the dark times, before Disney. This is for a new generation of fans, time for me to accept it and move on. My nerd heart is crushed.

Cad Bane was a nice touch though.

I feel you man. Now it’s only fair the Boba gets to steal a significant portion of Mando’s series!!!!

AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 2, 2022 1:10 am #

Sadriel_Fett, well said. Same feeling. :-|

Iron_Dan, 100% on Season 2.5 – not a true Boba Fett spin-off.

OG Mando, beat up Boba rather than Boba doing the beating (like a handful of great "legends" tales).

SourSolo, seriously...

TerryCox, exactly. Tough when older fans have ideas and hopes, but then it's off in another direction with the powers that be.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 2, 2022 1:38 am #

Can’t decide if I’m too disappointed about the lack of Boba Fett in his own show to enjoy the return of all of the other stuff I enjoyed about another great episode on Mando season 2.5. Trying to be grateful for what we got last year and hopeful they nail the finale. Might need to go on a lizard induced vision quest to sort out my feelings.

February 2, 2022 2:00 am #

Cad Bane was the only one who perceived Boba Fett as a threat. I like him more and more.
This is the only scene I like as a Boba Fett show. With a different title, I'm sure it would have been fun to watch.

February 2, 2022 2:18 am #

Well this was even more disappointing for Fett fans than last week’s episode. I find it kinda ironic that the majority of Star Wars focused social media is all hyped about the cavalcade of cameos while the literal fan club is the only place not endlessly fanboying for a show that’s completely abandoned it’s story to advertise the next thing. Cad Bane showing up made sense but really if he’s the big rival for Boba he should have showed up way earlier, one episode left and I still feel like the plot is just starting.

February 2, 2022 2:47 am (Edited February 2, 2022 02:50 am) #

What a boring episode, no Boba, Cad Bane was cool that's it !

Rest of it was Same old, Same Old!

Its not a good time to be a Boba Fett fan !

February 2, 2022 3:09 am #

Coming into this series—based on marketing and, you know, the show's title—my expectation was for seven episodes of my childhood hero kicking arse. But nope. I find it absolutely bizarre that we've had two whole episodes without the title character! The double blow with this particular episode is I was so distracted waiting for my guy to show up that I found it hard to relax and enjoy the pure magic before me! (Just extraordinary.)

If only this "spin-off" had been Season 3 of The Mandalorian, and Boba had been the focus of four whole episodes, I would have loved it!

February 2, 2022 3:27 am #
GeekPharm wrote:

Not gonna lie, I'm a little pissed at Luke right now!... How dare he make Grogu choose!

February 2, 2022 6:02 am (Edited February 2, 2022 06:06 am) #

No Fett again, but I think the introduction of Cad Bane definitely sets up some stakes here.
That's Boba Fett's problem to deal with, and no one elses. Surely the writers understand that...

A bit bummed that we didn't get to see another Boba flashback, so many flashbacks of Jango leaving Kamino, would've been nice to see him come back...

We'll see what happens next week, surely Cad Bane isn't the only bounty hunter hired by the Pykes. They definitely have someone in store to match Black Krrsantan ;)

February 2, 2022 6:32 am (Edited February 2, 2022 08:35 am) #

No Boba but I loved the episode, I think the series should have had a different title. They have been saying since the beginning it's more like season 2.5 of Mando, so that's expected IMO. I feel like if Bane doesn't kill Boba he will figure into Mando season 3, and all these series will be one overarching story, which I love.
I just want Boba to kick butt in his armor in one ep, that should be next week, it is another Rodriguez so it should be a lot of action...

February 2, 2022 7:33 am #

Guys. Guys. What are you talking about. This was a great episode. It was full of that awesome, cheesy fanservice that I want from a new SW property.

Luke (looking MUCH better than in The Mandalorian)! Ahsoka! Baby Yoda! Cad goddamn Bane.

I'm a Star Wars nerd through and through, besides being a Boba Fett fanboy, and this episode delivered.

"Boba Fett is a cold blooded killer who worked for the Empire" **** Yeah! That line is so good. You might be in a for surprise Cad.

So much good stuff. Mando and Cobb Vanth sharing a drink, being buddies!

February 2, 2022 8:03 am #

A fantastic episode of Star Wars but agree with everyone that this show shouldn't have been marketed as a true Boba Fett stand alone when he's been outstaged in his own show.

Given how many characters are crossing between series its safe to say we'll see more of Boba in the future in a different series.

February 2, 2022 10:22 am (Edited February 2, 2022 02:38 pm) #

The Mandalorian rejuvenated my optimism for this franchise and I thought that season 2 handled most of the "fan service" with reason and tact. However, the last two episodes have felt way too indulgent with the cameos... Favreau and Filoni shamelessly abandoned the Boba-centric story we were promised, just to give us a Naboo starfighter, Beggar's Canyon, The Mandalorian covert, Ahsoka, Cobb Vanth, Cad Bane, the list goes on. This franchise has become more reactionary than ever before, abandoning storytelling for some exciting moments.

I'm a big fan of Luke and enjoyed seeing him train Grogu but I'm not a fan of where this franchise is headed. Episode 2 is still my favourite episode of this series (and one of my most favourite Star Wars content in recent years) but everything after that has felt downhill. 7 hours to finally tell a Boba Fett story, and they squander it. It's time for me to emotionally distance myself from this franchise.

February 2, 2022 10:27 am #

Everybody jokes that Boba Fett is a cool character that never does anything, and there’s last two episodes they are giving him that treatment :/

February 2, 2022 10:30 am (Edited February 2, 2022 10:42 am) #

Man, Filoni did a great job with Vanth.

Heck, he did a great job overall this episode - and really showed how much story progression we could have been getting, even in the shorter episodes of this series. The difference between Filoni and Favreau's writing is just... well, Favreau doesn't compare to the master of Star Wars television, in my opinion.

This episode really played up Vanth being Star Wars' equivalent to Justified's Raylan Givens. If that's carried through to next week, I can see Vanth coming back with a vengeance and seeking out Cad Bane for a rematch - which might have a different result next time round.

Its also interesting to note that the gunfight at the start of the episode also contrasts with that at the end of the episode. In the first gun battle Vanth guns down three out of four Pykes with ease, and quite ruthlessly to boot. In the three way stand off between the deputy, Bane and himself you can see his visibly rattled by trying to gauge what the kid is going to do next. I feel Bane manages to gun him down because he's distracted, whereas if he hadn't been the result might have been a bit different. It's actually a really great detail and adds further depth to Vanth's character.

Vanth's segment really played into a lot of Western tropes. Chief among them the deputy being killed while the Marshal is wounded, which leads to the Marshal having to seek retribution for the death of the younger man. We'll have to wait and see until next week how much of the latter part of that pays off, but I really think this episode sets up Vanth as having a larger role to come in the Star Wars TV universe. (My fingers are firmly crossed for him to become - at the very least - a main cast character in an upcoming Star Wars show.)

February 2, 2022 11:49 am (Edited February 2, 2022 11:50 am) #

So everyone from Freetown is gonna help out Boba cause Cobb got gunned down.  And the Boba is gonna rid Tattooine of the pikes.  All in 40 mins?

If these last two episodes hadn’t come at the expense of Boba’s series I’d be loving them, but it’s frustrating losing Fett time. I guess I’ll be glad to see this wrapped up next week so we can move on from it.

February 2, 2022 12:32 pm (Edited February 2, 2022 12:32 pm) #

So we get the missing Cad Bane / Boba Fett Shoot Out from the lost Clone Wars scene.. At this moment I am very disappointed about the way the series goes. I Iike the last episodes but this is a Boba Fett series! What that means for the next Mando season, if you don't looked the Boba Fett series you don't know about the new ship, Grogus lessons? I don't know how the last episode can make me happy.

February 2, 2022 2:21 pm #

Here's my working theory.  The last two episodes we just saw are, in reality,, two early episodes from the Mandalorian Season 3.  However, after episodes 3 and 4 of BOBF met with so much pushback, the brass panicked, yanked the next two episodes, filmed some additional scenes mentioning Boba Fett, added those scenes to the Mandalorian episodes and shoved them into BOBF to buy some time to do reshoots and edits on the series finale.  What we're going to get, come February 9th, will be an incredibly rushed pile of junk that raises more questions than it answers, and leaves us regretting renewing our Disney+ subscriptions. 

p.s.  RIP Garsa Fwip and her beautiful assistant.  They were one of the few redeeming qualities of this crapfest.  Nice work protecting the Sanctuary, Fett.

February 2, 2022 4:19 pm #

This episode was better than last week. Instead of feeling like an episode of The Mandalorian this episode felt more like a straight up Star Wars show like The Clone Wars. Cad Bane’s appearance was amazing and I love his line about Boba Fett – “Boba Fett is a cold blooded killer who worked with the Empire” – I think there is some foreshadowing there, because that’s exactly how Luke Skywalker sees Boba Fett. Should be interesting to see them interact in the finale. I’m also pretty sure it was Cad Bane who killed the Tusken tribe that took in Fett. The Pykes hired Cad Bane to kill the Tuskens and frame the massacre so it looked like it was the Nikto bike gang instead. I can imagine Boba and Bane having a standoff - and then there’s Black Krrsantan – will Cad Bane try to convince BK to join the Syndicate? Or will BK remember Boba’s advice about not working for the wrong people?

February 2, 2022 4:41 pm #

People really need to stop parroting the "The show is a BOOK! Books have entire chapters that don't even follow the main character!" argument. What kind of book completely drops its storyline and forgets about its main characters for a third of its length, includes a bunch of senseless drivel that has completely nothing to do with the book (ex. Peli and her Jawa love life) and doesn't include the titular character in the penultimate chapter?

February 2, 2022 4:49 pm #

Episode 6 The Book of Boba Fett
*Announcer voice*
Recap: Last time on the Madalorian Season 3

Throw in extra characters for fun, tease Cobb Vanth, Ahsoka and Cad Bane fans.

End of show
Coming soon: The "New Adventures of Luke Skywalker and Grogu!"

Boba Fett: Less than 1 minute of screen time, no dialogue.  Hope TM getting paid a flat rate and not per time/episode or by line...

I must say, they have greatly polished young Luke Skywalker compared to the reveal in Mandalorian.  I thought it was pretty good as far as the digital overlay went, other than a few minor mouth movements and some dead digital eyes.

February 2, 2022 4:51 pm #
GeekPharm wrote:

Not gonna lie, I'm a little pissed at Luke right now!... How dare he make Grogu choose!

I think Luke was a little mean and condescending to the little guy.

"Is that all you got? Seriously?"

February 2, 2022 5:28 pm #

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I read this quote.  They're not wrong.

"Blink and you'll miss it, but The Book of Boba Fett features a massive surprise cameo from The Empire Strikes Back bounty hunter, Boba Fett. The character can be briefly glimpsed shortly after Din Djarin returns to Tatooine, standing by a holographic map with Fennec Shand."


That pretty much summed up his appearance in this episode.  As someone else mentioned, you see more of Boba in the opening "Recaps" than you do in the episode.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
February 2, 2022 5:42 pm #

I see a lot of folks mentioning about a big western showdown with Boba Fett and Cad Bane.  But, I'm expecting the next episode to have a mini-flashback, when Fett sees Bane again, that shows their "un-aired" Clone Wars episode showdown.  The one where Boba gets the dent in his helmet and Bane gets that metal plate in his head that we saw in Bad Batch.  This time, I'm expecting Boba to just straight up have his rancor eat Bane.  That would be altogether fitting.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
February 2, 2022 8:28 pm #

Did Grogu say “dank farrik” when he got shot by the remote droid?

February 3, 2022 12:07 am #
Italian Ranch wrote:

People really need to stop parroting the "The show is a BOOK! Books have entire chapters that don't even follow the main character!" argument. What kind of book completely drops its storyline and forgets about its main characters for a third of its length, includes a bunch of senseless drivel that has completely nothing to do with the book (ex. Peli and her Jawa love life) and doesn't include the titular character in the penultimate chapter?

I'm also sick of hearing this. And actually, I have read books like this, which leave the main character for a while and guess what - they were pretty hard to follow/bad/annoying to read. I understand story telling and word building but how come random characters didn't totally take over episodes of mando? They had cameos sure and they were great but they didn't just do their own thing for the whole episode. Bobf, I really was so looking forward to it, but it was definitely marketed wrong. I only just read its being referred to as mando season 2.5 by execs? If I had seen that when the trailers came out etc it wouldn't have been so jarring. Its like watching two different shows. Omg I would have been so happy for mando to see boba when that star ship was being built, go talk to him about his armour, what jango was like. That would have been so much better than a pretty but pointless space ship building montage.

February 3, 2022 7:23 am #
Drix wrote:
Italian Ranch wrote:

People really need to stop parroting the "The show is a BOOK! Books have entire chapters that don't even follow the main character!" argument. What kind of book completely drops its storyline and forgets about its main characters for a third of its length, includes a bunch of senseless drivel that has completely nothing to do with the book (ex. Peli and her Jawa love life) and doesn't include the titular character in the penultimate chapter?

I'm also sick of hearing this. And actually, I have read books like this, which leave the main character for a while and guess what - they were pretty hard to follow/bad/annoying to read. I understand story telling and word building but how come random characters didn't totally take over episodes of mando? They had cameos sure and they were great but they didn't just do their own thing for the whole episode. Bobf, I really was so looking forward to it, but it was definitely marketed wrong. I only just read its being referred to as mando season 2.5 by execs? If I had seen that when the trailers came out etc it wouldn't have been so jarring. Its like watching two different shows. Omg I would have been so happy for mando to see boba when that star ship was being built, go talk to him about his armour, what jango was like. That would have been so much better than a pretty but pointless space ship building montage.

I agree.  I wonder if people who keep telling others they don't understand storytelling really understand it themselves.  Good storytelling is staying with your narrative and moving your story forward.  The main story was only "moved forward" in the last minute or two of Episode 5, when Fennec asked Djarin to help.  It was barely moved forward in Episode 6.  The only story elements related to the main story were the Pykes in Mos Pelgo territory, everyone showing up for the mission briefing, and the Mos Pelgo scenes at the end.  Everything else didn't move the Boba Fett story forward, at all.  It only moved Din Djarin's story forward.  That could be done in his own series.  While the episodes were both extremely awesome, we didn't need to see that much of Din's story in order to move the Tatooine and Boba's story forward.  The only reason to have all that in there was just as a fan service.  In the Mandalorian, Boba was a secondary character in the episodes he showed up in.  Djarin always took the lead as main character in those stories.  Boba was just along for the ride to help in a supporting role.  In Book of Boba Fett, "good storytelling" would've had those roles reversed.  After the briefing, they should have had both Fett and Djarin go to Mos Pelgo.  Fett could've taken the lead, and Djarin could've been the supporting character, introducing him to the Marshal, and they both could've made their case with him.  The look of the townsfolk seeing Boba wearing the "Marshal's armor" would've been worth it alone.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
February 3, 2022 10:17 am #

And whenever he's not on screen everyone should be asking "Where's Boba?"
I want to talk about the elephant (or Bantha) in the room which is the uncanny valley Luke we have. I'm a huge Peter Cushing fan and what they did in Rogue One (though okayed with the estate) I felt was morally just in poor taste. I don't believe what they are doing by de-aging is ethical b/c it brings into the question the need or use for new actors at all & that is dangerous. Star Wars & Disney have taken this to the next level & it is getting disturbing the amount that is being using for sake of pumping people's nostalgia hearts.
    Not to mention the general hijacking of the show...what really is being brought up is the issue of pleasing too many people. But I, like many others am questioning why is Grogu & Luke are in a show about Boba Fett...
    What I did appreciate about aspects of the show was Bane's appearance and having the tone in that regard which harkens back to Boba's roots as a gunslinger himself..just disappointing once again to not have the character that inspired these other characters (Cobb/Cad) nowhere on screen. What I did like as someone had said early was a possible foreshadowing from Bane's mouth (wouldn't it be nice if there was a pay off) of what Boba Fett originally was...or has been this whole time? Maybe Boba had been playing dummy the whole time...and was twisting and manipulating his position of power playing possum, looking helpless while building his army, biding his time. But I'm afraid..that is not the case.
              Another idea I thought would be cool was he learned respect and discipline from the raiders but he realizes that has never worked in the world that he inhabits so he has to become the unbridled ruffian we saw, wailing on stormtroopers becoming once again the "cold-blooded killer" Bane warns them of....sadly that might be a story of fan fiction much like Star Wars is now...

February 3, 2022 11:52 am (Edited February 3, 2022 11:59 am) #

Exactly Drix and Sadriel_Fett! They could've easily incorporated Boba Fett into those scenes, but instead they turn him into the cameo of his own show. I sighed relief when Din finally arrived at the palace hangar, thinking the story was finally picking up again, but groaned when he went to recruit Cobb on his own. They should've never built Din a new ship so Boba could at least be a glorified taxi driver like season 2 :P

And yes I know Twitter and Reddit are terrible representations of the Star Wars fandom, but it's just appalling to see the number of people who say "WHO CARES ABOUT THE TITLE, I'M HERE FOR THE GOOD CONTENT!", while fans who wanted to see Boba in his OWN show are instantly labelled as "irrational haters" or "impatient". Yep, god forbid people wanting to see the titular character get some development.. it's almost as if that's how a title works. Sucks that the positive reception to these past 2 episodes will probably normalize this kind of ridiculous storytelling for future Lucasfilm projects. Deceptive marketing at best, poor writing at worst.

February 7, 2022 5:57 pm #

Overall Mando season 2.5 is going well. Sure did think we might see more of that guy Boba Fett but who knows. 

Such a letdown after waiting so long to see my favorite Star Wars character. My son said during his episode “Dad Boba Fett really sucks why do you like him?  Sad

April 5, 2022 11:21 pm #

This is a interesting episode focusing mainly on nature with Luke Skywalker training Grogu, but I wish Boba Fett shows up longer in this episode.

Chloe Chan

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