Featured Topic: The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1

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Topic #4786
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
December 28, 2021 12:11 pm #

In advance of the debut episode dropping in less than 12 hours, here is our spot to discuss spoilers and reactions.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
December 28, 2021 9:42 pm #

The official main title theme by Ludwig Göransson can be listened to on the composer's official YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxUXucse4-E

Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 28, 2021 11:42 pm #

Here’s to hoping we get a Sarlacc flashback!

AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
December 29, 2021 12:44 am #

34 minutes of content before the credits kick in.


- Being inside the Sarlacc and getting out (easily)
- Jawas steal his armor and knock him out
- Tusken Raiders find him and drag him in like a bounty, punch him up, test him, etc.
- He earns their respect after saving one of their young ones from an odd monster, Jabba-strangle style
- Young Boba Fett reprised by Daniel Logan according to the credits, plus one acting double

Present day:

- Lots of "Lord Fett" mentions re: crime boss status
- Bacta tank recovery (as seen in the promos)
- Camaraderie with Fennec inside and outside the palace
- Shows some remorse for two Gamorrean guards who were loyal to Jabba; Fett thinks they'll be loyal to him if he spares them; Fennec thinks otherwise
- Visits a local joint to meet Jennifer Beals' character, who seems to flirt with Fett a little and calls her place his place
- Jumped by some kind of gang, maybe related to the local mayor who's not happy he's the crime lord now


- Robert Rodriguez had a cameo as Dokk Strassi, leader of the Trandoshan family; there was also a performance artist double too
- 3 stunt doubles for adult Fett


Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 29, 2021 12:49 am #

His stamina doesn’t look too good (present day). After a short fight (compared to the stormtroopers in Mandalorian S2), he needs to be rushed to a tank (bacta?) and only the gamorreans and Fennec seem to understand this, so far. But I do want to see more Kamino flashbacks. (Maybe interactions with other clones his age?)

Also, might I add, that even Boba himself recognizes he is not a natural born leader.

-This is the way.
December 29, 2021 12:56 am #

Thought the Kamino, Geonosis, Sarlacc flashbacks were cool. Kind of felt like they did him dirty with the gang fight scene. Maybe Charles Soule was secretly involved with that lol? I can understand him getting roughed up against the Tuskens though since he was weakened by the Sarlacc and exhausted/dehydrated in the desert.

December 29, 2021 1:11 am #

Theme song kind of leaves much to be desired.  I was waiting for Dandelion to break into song asking me to "toss a coin to your Hunter..."  The rest of the music throughout the episode wasn't bad, at all.  Just that theme music....ugh.  I liked the "remix" of the Mos Eisley "cantina song."  Figrin D'an and Max Rebo for the win!

Enjoyed the almost "Jawa's of Doom" style reveal of the Sarlacc escape.  They still have his flame thrower coming out the wrong gauntlet, though.  When they had him fighting with Koska Reeves at the bar in The Mandalorian, they had it coming out the wrong one, as well.  His flame thrower is on his left gauntlet, not the right one.  In the Sarlacc, they have the flame coming out of the fiber cord whip line launcher on his right gauntlet.  Which is weird, since they actually have him use that in The Mandalorian, right before he used the flame thrower.  Do they think he has everything packed into that one little launcher hole?  Hahaha.

Some things were kind of expected and verified in this episode.  Things you could pick out and kind of deduce from all the teaser trailers, such as the Tuskens probably rescuing him, the medical bed in the background being a bacta tank, and them having flashbacks while he's in the tank.  That seemed the most logical way to go and they did it very well.  The monster in the desert had a very Ray Harryhausen version of the Kraken vibe to it.  The one from the 80's Clash of the Titans movie.  I'm betting that was an intentional nod.  The Wookiee pelt as an offering from the Trandoshan was a nice touch, considering the rivalry between the Wookiee's and Trandoshan's.

That last image in the credits, with Fett on the throne in his original outfit, is the best one I've seen, so far.  Even a little protocol droid head down there at his feet.  The black robes have got to go, though.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 29, 2021 1:31 am #

This moment I've been waiting for for 20 years. He has returned.

December 29, 2021 2:05 am #
Sadriel_Fett wrote:

They still have his flame thrower coming out the wrong gauntlet, though.  When they had him fighting with Koska Reeves at the bar in The Mandalorian, they had it coming out the wrong one, as well.  His flame thrower is on his left gauntlet, not the right one.  In the Sarlacc, they have the flame coming out of the fiber cord whip line launcher on his right gauntlet.  Which is weird, since they actually have him use that in The Mandalorian, right before he used the flame thrower.  Do they think he has everything packed into that one little launcher hole?  Hahaha.

I'm not quite sure how the flamethrower could be on the left gauntlet, when the fuel source for that flamethrower is his jetpack and the right gauntlet its the one with the pipes connecting to said jetpack?

December 29, 2021 2:16 am #

Excellent 1st episode

December 29, 2021 2:26 am #

I think it's fair to say they pulled their punches with this episode and I get the feeling that this series is going to be a slow burner to a big finale. So long as we don't get nonsense fill episodes which add nothing to the overall plot, though, it should be okay and will be a vast improvement on The Mandalorian and The Bad Batch

The escape scene was well done and, thankfully, not over wrought. Its not like we haven't seen versions of this in Legends before, so I'm glad they didn't over stretch by trying to make it too different. Seeing the OT flightsuit again, as well as the boots, was pretty cool - I'd like a figure of "survivor" / "captive" Fett at some point. I also like the fact that "past" sequences are kept as dreams / PTSD flashbacks which seem to be exacerbated by his immersion in the bacta. (I wonder if this trigger is because of some latent memories of being grown in a similar tank on Kamino?)

Adding to the slow burning quality is the gradual introduction of the criminal elements and that both Boba and Fennec have a better understanding (for the time being, pending further exposition) of what's playing out on screen than the audience. It puts the audience on the backfoot and builds the tension for future episodes.

I actually like the fact that Boba got injured at the end of the episode. Unlike his return in The Mandalorian,  he's not some unstoppable superman. I feel dialling him down a little, or at least making him look over matched, makes whoever those attackers were (Crimson Dawn? Red Key Raiders?) look like a far greater threat going forward.

I also have an incling that Boba will further update his armor and gear as time goes on. If early episodes of The Mandalorian are anything to go by it could happen in the next episode. Then again it might happen at all. Either way, I'd be happy as I actually really like his current appearance as it sets Morrison's Fett apart from the OT Fett.

December 29, 2021 3:25 am #

Seeing him crawl out of the sand after escaping the Sarlacc was so fulfilling.

December 29, 2021 3:35 am #
CorrellianJoe_92 wrote:
Sadriel_Fett wrote:

They still have his flame thrower coming out the wrong gauntlet, though.  When they had him fighting with Koska Reeves at the bar in The Mandalorian, they had it coming out the wrong one, as well.  His flame thrower is on his left gauntlet, not the right one.  In the Sarlacc, they have the flame coming out of the fiber cord whip line launcher on his right gauntlet.  Which is weird, since they actually have him use that in The Mandalorian, right before he used the flame thrower.  Do they think he has everything packed into that one little launcher hole?  Hahaha.

I'm not quite sure how the flamethrower could be on the left gauntlet, when the fuel source for that flamethrower is his jetpack and the right gauntlet its the one with the pipes connecting to said jetpack?

Yeah, they did that with the ROTJ armor, for some reason.  However, Din Djarin doesn't have any tubes running to either of his gauntlets and he has small flame throwers on each. 

According to the armor breakdown for Fett's armor, the two tubes on the side of a Fett's left gauntlet are his laser and flame thrower.  I believe it has it as the top one being the laser and the bottom tube being the flame thrower.  My biggest beef with that, is on The  Mandalorian, when you see Fett using it on the Stormtroopers at Tython, they make it look like lasers are blasting out of both of them instead of just the top one.

The hole they were showing the flames coming out of in the Sarlacc is where the fiber cord launcher on his right gauntlet comes out, which they even show him using in Mandalorian, with the cord stucking right in there.  Hahahaha.  Sometimes, they have no attention to detail, you know?  It's no big thing, obviously, just one of those nitpicky fanboy things you kind of wish they'd get right, since they're taking the time to get everything else just a perfect way.  Know what I mean?

CorrellianJoe_92 wrote:

I also like the fact that "past" sequences are kept as dreams / PTSD flashbacks which seem to be exacerbated by his immersion in the bacta. (I wonder if this trigger is because of some latent memories of being grown in a similar tank on Kamino?)

Dude, I was thinking the same thing, but thought I might have been overthinking it.  Having nightmares being submerged in a tank like that.  Glad I'm not the only one.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 29, 2021 3:40 am #

I was literally so excited to see a Kamino flash back. Really hoping we get more of that later on! Overall though, maybe slightly disappointed somehow? I couldn't even say why. I see comments about how people thought the whole episode was so brilliant but something seemed to be a bit lacking to me. I think its brilliant he has Fennec as a partner, that hes not a "super man" and obviously has some issues from being in the sarlacc which have left a physical impact on him....I kinda hoped for a more dramatic sarlacc exit I think, though as someone else said, its been done in legends so maybe they didn't feel the need to elaborate on it. I really liked the 6 legged sand monster though, very Ray Harryhausen and also the tusken "dog". Music was pretty cool, not too sure about the main theme, I liked the one from the mandalorian better. Maybe I'm just a bit overwhelmed (autistic here) and need to think about it/watch it again.

December 29, 2021 5:46 am #

Fett crawls out of the sarlaac. I love that it's not from the main mouth and that it is still alive when he escapes. We've waited so long. The show delivered right away. Bring on the whole book.

December 29, 2021 11:09 am #

I loved the episode, mildly upset that Disney isn’t giving us an entire hour of content, but I’ve been waiting 20 years for this and I’m satisfied. Maybe the Sarlacc left some internal damage that he needs the bacta tank for.

December 29, 2021 12:18 pm #

This show has gotten off to a pleasing start! LOVED seeing the OT outfit again during the Sarlacc escape, they didn't drag that scene out but it was still claustrophobic and tense. The dead Stormtrooper was a nice, morbid touch. The expendable hired gun to man of the people crime boss route they're taking with Boba seems like a logical enough step for someone who (from what this episode is alluding to) has underwent some sort trial by fire rebirth. It'll be cool to see how he reaches this new outlook on his profession. Him needing to be rushed back to his bacta tank after the big fight wasn't the strongest look, especially after his God mode display in The Mandalorian but this is a guy who's been half digested by a sandworm and spent the past few years slaving away and surviving in the blistering desert sun. So I can appreciate if a step or 2 has been lost.

December 29, 2021 1:50 pm #

I was a bit underwhelmed. It started well with the flashbacks of him escaping the Sarlacc, waited so long to see that and wasn't disappointed. But other than that, just felt a bit meh. Certainly didn't care for the music.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I was hoping for some "nerd chills" which I didn't get.

December 29, 2021 7:38 pm #
BroBa Fett wrote:

Here’s to hoping we get a Sarlacc flashback!

I enjoyed it!

December 29, 2021 9:47 pm #

I liked it! :-D.. but
It lack some of the scores from John Williams. Like the Boba Fett theme from ESB. Also the I kinda wished they would speek more huttese..
The intro was a bit rushed especially the flashbacks. Also I had a wish that Dengar would have been the one who pulled out Boba from the pitt..anyways... That said.. I am still intriqued to watch more. And who knows my wishes might still come true. Especially in regards to the missing John Williams score.

Vode An!

December 30, 2021 3:29 pm #
fett74 wrote:

I liked it! :-D.. but
It lack some of the scores from John Williams. Like the Boba Fett theme from ESB. Also the I kinda wished they would speek more huttese..
The intro was a bit rushed especially the flashbacks. Also I had a wish that Dengar would have been the one who pulled out Boba from the pitt..anyways... That said.. I am still intriqued to watch more. And who knows my wishes might still come true. Especially in regards to the missing John Williams score.

Vode An!

Totally agree with you in regards to John Williams theme from Empire, why they have ignored it I have no idea.

December 31, 2021 3:52 am #

Surely because this theme refers to a dark image of Boba. That of a villain.
And since Disney wants to make him a hero ...

Good episode. Too short

The beginning is grandiose, the rest is less epic. Something is missing.

January 2, 2022 7:30 am #

Overall, I'm content with the first episode, but I agree with the general sentiments that the Sarlacc scene felt rushed and that Fett seemed ridiculously nerfed when the 'ninjas' circled him and Fennec. I think the BFFC review by Gustavo made an excellent point -- why didn't Fett just use his jetpack during that encounter? It just feels perplexing. 

My other more minor gripe is I didn't care for the latest Tattooine sand creature -- just how many monsters are lurking in the sand at any given time, and if they're that dangerous, surely there would be tech like sonar to drive them away or something? We have that type of tech in our homes to drive away pests like insects and rodents, haha. I also thought the design didn't fit aesthetically with Star Wars. My partner immediately called out the creature looked like a Mortal Kombat character, and I feel like that's a bizarre homage for SW.

In terms of what I loved, I hope the young Boba and Kamino flashbacks means we're getting more of that type of content. I really hope the show digs more into Fett's past and psyche. Like many, I love Fett for his 'last man standing' mystique but I also love when Fett content digs into his complex psyche (a la Karen Traviss' writing in the Legacy of the Force series).

-BFFC Manji aka Jess
January 3, 2022 9:52 am (Edited January 3, 2022 09:52 am) #

The stormtrooper in the Sarlacc feels very random to me. There weren't any on Jabba's sail barge; so he didn't come from there. So that begs the question, how and when did he end up there?

January 5, 2022 1:45 pm #

After rewatching episode 1 with my kids, the flashback when the young Tusken shows him what appears to be Luke’s childhood home, the guy getting the crap kicked out of him looks like Cobb Vanth.

February 8, 2022 4:26 am #

Has it occurred to anyone that Boba does not have his crotch armor in this series? Weird huh?

AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 8, 2022 9:05 am #
ctxboy1981 wrote:

Has it occurred to anyone that Boba does not have his crotch armor in this series? Weird huh?

He didn’t in Mando S2 either.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
April 5, 2022 11:44 pm #

Good episode, but too short. I feel sorry for Boba Fett constantly being abused by the ninjas stealing his armor. The best part of this episode is when Boba Fett holds court.

Chloe Chan

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