Topic: Star Wars: Detours

"Star Wars: Detours," the animated show from Seth Green ("Robot Chicken") that was shelved, may still come out after Episode 7. During an AMA on Reddit this last September, Green shared that the show -- created by George Lucas -- had "39 finished episodes and around 62 finished scripts." Here's a screenshot of how Boba Fett was pictured.

What are your thoughts, hopes, and/or concerns about the show? Sound off.

Founder/Editor, BFFC

Re: Star Wars: Detours

A episode has leaked : … as_leaked/

Boba makes a short appearance there

Re: Star Wars: Detours

Boba Fett french, nice find! Will archive that one on here for sure.

Last time we saw that project was in 2012 with a trailer. Despite so many episodes done, it was before Lucasfilm was sold to Disney and then the project was shelved indefinitely.

Founder/Editor, BFFC

Re: Star Wars: Detours

If it's anywhere near as funny as the Robot Chicken Star Wars specials were, I would love to see this series. The RC Boba Fett skits always ~killed~ me.

-BFFC Manji aka Jess

5 (edited by BroBa Fett Thursday, December 24, 2020 9:47 am)

Re: Star Wars: Detours

BFFC Manji wrote:

If it's anywhere near as funny as the Robot Chicken Star Wars specials were, I would love to see this series. The RC Boba Fett skits always ~killed~ me.

“Don’t skimp on my umbrellas! You know what they say, let a smile be your umbrella ... well my face is big letter T! I forget the point haha I forgot the point .. you got any more umbrellas? Ellas, ellas, hahahaha!”

- Drunk Robot Chicken Boba Fett