Topic: Do you think Boba Fett secretly works with Sith Inquisitors?

The Chief Inquisitor, Darth Mercy, has Order 66 Imperium Inquisitorial, like many Sith Inquisitors and many Sith and our allies, and we Sith pronounce in one spirit to forever destroy all Jedi anywhere and everywhere by Order 66 and do pronounce upon them quantum disintegration and the birth of the Sith Empireā€¦

The Sith High Council members, the Chief Inquisitor, the Chief Magisterial Council members and the Magisterial Council members are immune from the executive power of Order 66 to any Sith Order member by the order of a bearer of Inquisitorial Imperium. The Chief Inquisitor, Darth Mercy, bears Inquisitorial Imperium and all members of the High Sith Council and all the members of Chief Magisterial Council.

The Sith are One.

Evil is not to think.