1 (edited by MastaJedi50850 Monday, March 12, 2018 12:41 pm)

Topic: Boba Fett Song

hey guys Mickie Manfredie Here i dont know how many have listened to the fan music but im the creator of the boba fett song its currently available to listen to but i want to put out the updated version GIVE THE FAN CLUB A COPY which will be downloadable can you guys give me some pics and or content to use as cover art and who would possibly be willing to participate in a video shoot for the song? Thanks YOU Guys are wesome!

Re: Boba Fett Song

"We do it for Boba." -- Mickie

Nice to hear from you again! It's been nice hosting a link to your site at https://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/audio/mp3/.

Just sent you an e-mail to follow up about the rest. wink

Founder/Editor, BFFC

Re: Boba Fett Song

I made a mando’ War chant.

Favorite Star Wars character: Boba. (Well, duh!)

And no, I do not have disney plus. I have to have everything spoiled for me. :(