Here are some of the pieces I have done over the years. Any feedback good or bad would be greatly appreciated
Topic: Retrospective of my Art
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
37 posts
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[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
First: Those are high quality. Well done
Second: Could you please list what exactly you used to create all of these? I'm a bit of a budding artist myself and I'm trying to get a feel for what software is necessary for this kind of thing.
((Though I can see a lot of it is hand drawn, I cant imagine that you hand colored all of that))

Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.
Honestly I used nothing but paints and brushes to color everything here. I don't even have a graphics program, although I wish I did. I use mostly Gouache, a raw pigment based paint, for my painting and india ink for my...well... inking. Gouache, once you have your technique down, can produce effects that simulate digital art. Which is why, with all do respect, I am not really a fan of digital art. It takes a lot more time to achieve the same results as with photoshop etc but even more skill, technique and ability to do it by hand. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging here it's just that because of digital graphics programs people are starting to lose a respect for hand drawn art and don't appreciate how difficult it really is to do.
So my list of materials would be
1.) Paper, illustration board
2.) Pencils (sometimes colored pencils), brushes, various sizes
3.) India ink
4.) Gouache
5.) Oh! Yeah and on the fourth one from the top I used oil pastels
BTW which pieces did you think were digitally colored? If you have the technique down you can create a lot of effects that look digital. One of my biggest inspirations is H.R. Giger. His stuff is amazing and he typically only uses regular acrylic paint for his paintings!
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
Does "extreme jealousy of your talent" count as feedback? Cause I am. And this is only your hobby, you don't even do this for a living!

Too kind, too kind. Thank you for your kind words.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
Great stuff tach, I also like how you did the one with the kneepads on upside down true to the original scene.
Wow, that even more impressive, no digital coloring? That must of taken a lot of time.
And because you asked all the ones that i thought were digitally colored (From top to bottom):
The sixth one.
The tenth one.
and the twelfth one.
I love how you used actual materials! So much of everything is digital anymore, but I think that nothing can substitute the look and feel of real mediums. ( Not that digital is bad.) I did notice that the one drawing was oil pastel too, and I mean that in a good way. It has a warmth and color that is inherent in the pastels. Also I'm biased as they have been a favorite of mine my whole life.
My favorites out of the bunch is the first drawing, the fourth oil pastel and the last one, (i think that used the paint?). I like the balance in color.
You have a real talent, one that I wish I had.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
it doesn't get more badass than that first picture.

I love how you used actual materials! So much of everything is digital anymore, but I think that nothing can substitute the look and feel of real mediums. ( Not that digital is bad.) I did notice that the one drawing was oil pastel too, and I mean that in a good way. It has a warmth and color that is inherent in the pastels. Also I'm biased as they have been a favorite of mine my whole life.
My favorites out of the bunch is the first drawing, the fourth oil pastel and the last one, (i think that used the paint?). I like the balance in color.
You have a real talent, one that I wish I had.
Thanks for the kind words, I very much appreciate it.
Yeah, I really love working in oil pastels but to get any real detail you have to work on a really large scale. That piece it 2X3 feet and I still could not get the detail I was aiming for.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]

On a side note...
If anyone has any requests or commissions I am open to that too...
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
Love everything you've posted here, especially the very last one. Really eye candy stuff. Got more?

Love everything you've posted here, especially the very last one. Really eye candy stuff. Got more?
Again, thanks so much for the kind words, it is always nice to hear encouragement, and much appreciated as well.
The vast majority of what I do is non Sci-fi/ Boba Fett related. I share these pieces here because I feel like they resonate with other members.
I do a lot of life drawing and painting from observation. I also have a deep interest in erotica, which does not mean porn!
Anyway, right now I am doing a painting for my Starbucks cup. I don't really care that much but if I am going to carry around a plastic cup with me everyday it might as well have something cool on it so I am doing a Boba Fett piece for the wrap-around image for my mug! And using that mug gets me a small discount and contributes to saving the planet at the same time...yada,yada,yada...
I will post it with the above when I am finished.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
Great Job!! I'm impressed with the amount of detail in your work. One extra comment though, I wonder what an oil painting of Boba Fett would look like. As that is more my media I guess that one would up to me to find out. Though I must thank you for getting me inspired.

Great Job!! I'm impressed with the amount of detail in your work. One extra comment though, I wonder what an oil painting of Boba Fett would look like. As that is more my media I guess that one would up to me to find out. Though I must thank you for getting me inspired.
Thanks for the compliments. I truly appreciate it.
Yeah, I work a lot in oils as well but usually the themes I choose for oils are more naturalistic. Painting from observation etc. I posted only my Fett stuff here, for obvious reasons, but I do have several pieces posted on different sites that feature my oils if anyone is interested let me know and I will send you the URL.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
I'd love to see them. As an art student (and a nosy person XD) it'd be good for me to see lots of different examples of art as well, and you're very, very good.

For anyone interested you can see a wide variety of my work in a number of styles using several different materials at
just click anything that looks like a picture in a little square. As a website it sucks. I need to get it into better shape.
Some of the same items as well as more Star Wars stuff can be seen at
here again, not so well organized. just look around at everything.
And here you can see a few different efforts at comic book penciling.
Any feedback on the work on these sites would be greatly appreciated as well.
Thanks for taking an interest :)
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
That's really some awesome, awesome work. I'm something like a pro (got the degree that says it, lol), but you're clearly a few (or maybe more, lol) levels better than me for illustration. I praise your talent. There seems to be a LOT of time put in each of them too. The drawings are souple, highlights and shadows are well put, I can see why you tried yourself at serious editors. I also can see how frustrated you feel of trying and knock at everyone's door and not get much for an answer.
The praise you'll get here won't really get you anywhere either. You need to advertise your stuff better. It IS good. If It doesn't work at Marvel's and other similar big heads you need to try in another way. Maybe organize everything better on an out-of-this-world website, or something.
Who organized your actual web spaces? Could be worth it to gather everything in one place and really sort them in a way that makes them easy and fun to browse - - even for people who don't know you.

That's really some awesome, awesome work. I'm something like a pro (got the degree that says it, lol), but you're clearly a few (or maybe more, lol) levels better than me for illustration. I praise your talent. There seems to be a LOT of time put in each of them too. The drawings are souple, highlights and shadows are well put, I can see why you tried yourself at serious editors. I also can see how frustrated you feel of trying and knock at everyone's door and not get much for an answer.
The praise you'll get here won't really get you anywhere either. You need to advertise your stuff better. It IS good. If It doesn't work at Marvel's and other similar big heads you need to try in another way. Maybe organize everything better on an out-of-this-world website, or something.
Who organized your actual web spaces? Could be worth it to gather everything in one place and really sort them in a way that makes them easy and fun to browse - - even for people who don't know you.
What can I say..super kind, super nice, I am touched by what you have to say, sincerely. That is very nice of you to say. All I want to do with my time is draw and paint. I am always happy when people say nice things about my art but mostly I am in a zone, my own world, when I am creating and that is the place I really want to spend my life. I hate this reality so, so much...but as Philip K. Dick said..."reality is that which when you stop believing it it, doesn't go away"
End of pity party.
Anyway I just did this piece like five minutes ago, it took me about an hour and it is about 20X24 inches. I used Conte Crayon for a Fett rendering for the first time. I really enjoy Conte but it is best used to draw naked women.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
Your talent is so amazing to my eyes, I honestly don't get why no one has hired you to do this for a living. Is it because I'm so young? I dunno. Do people really not appreciate good, old fashioned talent? I have a feeling computers are behind this somehow.
But don't you ever dare give up on yourself. There ARE people who belive in you! ^_^
I really enjoy Conte but it is best used to draw naked women.
That gave me a laugh because, aside from a few landscapes, last semester the only thing we ever used Conte for was when a model came to class. And they were all women that semester too!
Hey that recent Conte piece is really good too. Wish I could see it bigger (in fact, wish I could see the real thing, lol, but I don't think I'll fly to Japan anytime soon, lol) I love the stuff you do. Count me as a fan, and if you ever seriously think of getting a website, we could talk.
Conte is ok. I prefer my Rembrandt dry pastels though, they're softer. I am planning on getting a set of 30 with tones for portraits. There's a celebrity that I'd really like to try myself at making a portrait of.

Hey that recent Conte piece is really good too. Wish I could see it bigger (in fact, wish I could see the real thing, lol, but I don't think I'll fly to Japan anytime soon, lol) I love the stuff you do. Count me as a fan, and if you ever seriously think of getting a website, we could talk.
Thanks again for your kind have no idea how nice it feels to have this kind of positive feedback. The funny thing is that almost no one coments on my favorite piece from the set above. I will let everyone guess which one I like the best...
Okay, so I am serious about the website thing. What are you thinking. I have some "adult" work that I would like to get out there too. I am basically broke right now but might be able to work out something if you have any ideas.
I also need a letterer and a colorist for a Fett comic that I am working up...any one interested in getting involved?
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
I've thought about it for a while, and its a toss up between the second and fourth one. I picked them because they're the most finished peices there (thats to say, they're full colour and have a background). Going by personal experience, the pieces I can sucessfully complete that are in full colour and have a background tend to be the ones I like the most. Or maybe I'm totally off!
For a bet on your fav, I'd go for the very first one. I don't see why it would have come first, if it's not that you consider it your best one.
Unless...he saved the best for last. Hmm, why didn't I think of that before?

For a bet on your fav, I'd go for the very first one. I don't see why it would have come first, if it's not that you consider it your best one.
Yeah, good point.
I basically just randomly posted them one after the other in alternating B&W and Color, partly because I did not want to give the impression that I liked any one piece over another.
Not exactly reverse psychology but you get the idea.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]

Your talent is so amazing to my eyes, I honestly don't get why no one has hired you to do this for a living. Is it because I'm so young? I dunno. Do people really not appreciate good, old fashioned talent? I have a feeling computers are behind this somehow.
But don't you ever dare give up on yourself. There ARE people who belive in you! ^_^
tachyonblade wrote:I really enjoy Conte but it is best used to draw naked women. gave me a laugh because, aside from a few landscapes, last semester the only thing we ever used Conte for was when a model came to class. And they were all women that semester too!
You are really sweet, thank you for the praise.
I took only one art course when I was in college, Drawing I, in that course we only used Conte to draw nude models! So I know exactly where you are coming from LOL! :)
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]

Here's something kind of fun...trying to save the planet when I drink my tea at Starbucks I decided to make a rendering of my own to decorate my mug, (actually I think the world is beyond saving but it was fun to do anyway and I get a small discount for using the mug!)
Here's the sketch
Here's the painted illustration. a little rushed but it's only a mug.
The finished product, with some friends to appreciate it.
Me realizing that I have wasted the day drawing and watching cartoons when I need to be studying for a Japanese test!
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]

i wouldn't call it a waste at all.
Maybe not but I watch cartoons so much these days the lines between reality and the animated world are starting to blur... literally ha, ha, ha get it? the line...blur...animation...
Man I need to get out more!
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
That cup is officially made of awesome now. It has given me a stupid grin! I will probably be thinking about Fett drinking coffee and reading books while sitting in a chair all day now.
And pffft, don't we all waste our time watchin cartoons (or TV in general)? Although in my case, if my TV is on, I'm more then likely playing a video game.
And you're a lot more calm about wasting studying time then I am. I have a math test in 18 hours my teacher neglected to tell us about until Monday. >_<

That cup is officially made of awesome now. It has given me a stupid grin! I will probably be thinking about Fett drinking coffee and reading books while sitting in a chair all day now.
And pffft, don't we all waste our time watchin cartoons (or TV in general)? Although in my case, if my TV is on, I'm more then likely playing a video game.
And you're a lot more calm about wasting studying time then I am. I have a math test in 18 hours my teacher neglected to tell us about until Monday. >_<
Always so sweet. Thank you for your kind words. I wish I knew you personally. You seem like a great person.
Good luck on your math test.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]

Sorry to double post but there is like NO activity on the boards.
Does anyone have any real criticisms of my work? I do truly appreciate the praise but I want to get better and the only way to do that is by learning from your mistakes. So please blast me if you wanna :P
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
I would really like to give you tips and whatnot, but you're soo much better then me, it's unbelivably hard to do. It should be the other way around.
However, if you're serious about it, why not try ConceptArt? It's a site where serious, talented artists post their work and critque it and whatnot.

I would really like to give you tips and whatnot, but you're soo much better then me, it's unbelivably hard to do. It should be the other way around.
However, if you're serious about it, why not try ConceptArt? It's a site where serious, talented artists post their work and critque it and whatnot.
Thanks for the suggestion...I think I will look into that.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]
Ah HA. I think I figured out Tach's favorite (provided I'm allowed a third guess...), but I think it's the 6th one, the one he also uses as his avatar. It dawned on me suddenly, because he uses it for his avatar AND it features the prototype colours, his favorite version. And he hid it in the very middle as well.
Or maybe I'm totally off on this? XD I dunno, just another guess.

Ah HA. I think I figured out Tach's favorite (provided I'm allowed a third guess...), but I think it's the 6th one, the one he also uses as his avatar. It dawned on me suddenly, because he uses it for his avatar AND it features the prototype colours, his favorite version. And he hid it in the very middle as well.
Or maybe I'm totally off on this? XD I dunno, just another guess.
Nope! You guessed it! That's my favorite.
[url=]My Fan Art[/url]