Has anyone heard about these jedi churches poping up everywhere?
Topic: Jedi churches
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
46 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestyeah, bunch of wackos
i would love to got to one just to see how crazy it is
Jeez. That is too far. Sure there are obsessed fans, but this is ridiculous.
yea they're pretty serious about it, since Jedi is now an unofficially recognized religion.
Wow...People will follow anything nowa days.

Yeah theres gonna be one here in cincinnati
Wow. I would like to go to one once just to see what it's like. So what do they do, try to use the Force? Or are they just about the Jedi values?
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My guess, just the jedi Values. It IS very creapy though.
--Captain Dynamic--
Open the page to number 337: "...And Yoda said, let there be lightsabers, and he saw that they were good..."
Go in Mando armor and say you want revenge.
―Boba Fett
If there was one nearby me, and I had my armor done, I'd totally go. Just sit in the back and stare down anyone who looks. Do they were robes or something?
--Captain Dynamic--
Probably...have you heard of the dude in England (I think that's where it was) dressed up as Darth Vader and hit people in the Jedi church with a cane? Revenge of the Sith for real...
―Boba Fett
Open the page to number 337: "...And Yoda said, let there be lightsabers, and he saw that they were good..."
Go in Mando armor and say you want revenge.
And He shun down upon Luke and spoketh "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."
After Luke had whined Leia gave him the plans.
―Boba Fett
Yo thats crazy! I'd go at least once to see how nuts they really were. Then when they learned i knew more than they did, they'd kick me out for blasphemy. :P
I'd kill to see any of us go in full Beskar'gam and... find out if they were weak to the dark side.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
where could you find out where they are? if theres one here in miami, im definitely crashing it.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
where could you find out where they are? if theres one here in miami, im definitely crashing it.
That'd be funny if someone went there as Indiana Jones, with a friend in Boba Fett armor...hillarious.
―Boba Fett
do they hold sevice on sunday or what?

here,s the link for it

here is their docterine
Jedi Doctrine
The Jedi church has no official doctrine or scripture. The Jedi church recognizes that all living things share a living force and that all people have an innate knowledge of what is right and wrong, and the Jedi Church celebrates this like no other religion.
Basic concepts of the Jedi faith that we at the Jedi Church would like to promote are the following:
The Basic Concepts
There is one all powerful force that binds the entire universe together. It is "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together". This is a concept that most religions of the world concur with. Some refer to it as their deity, some refer to it as a life force, but the one thing nearly all religions agree with, is that there exists a single unifying force.
There are 2 sides to the force, the dark side and the light side. "Beware of the dark side... The dark side leads to fear. Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering". Good versus Evil is a common element through most religions. The issues of good versus evil, right versus wrong permeate through the doctrines of all religions. Most religions attempt to state what is right and wrong, to establish their moral code. Sometimes religions make codes that don't reach a great consensus. Outsiders, and sometime insiders, begin to judge their religious code by something more powerful, something more innate, an innate ability to know what is right and wrong. This is the Jedi's belief, that morality, good and evil, are all axioms of the force, and that we must listen to the force so that we will know the right thing to do.
Can good exist without evil? The Jedi believe that good and evil are only axioms of the all powerful and unifying force. The force contains all that is good and all that is bad. We all are free and sentient beings who have the capability to do good or evil. It is our choice of direction that determines if we do good or evil. The existence of good and evil is necessary for freewill.
So in summary, listen to the force, and beware the dark side!
History of Our Religion
The force has always existed and always will.
Our faith in the force existed well before the fictional Star Wars movies brought popular recognition to the terminology and concepts that our members always innately held, but had difficultly describing in a shared forum.
When the movement to answer Jedi to the religion question in the NZ census began, it was incredible to see how quickly word spread, and just how many people embraced the new popular name of their shared innate religion. With such immediacy, people from all around the world followed suit, now having an obvious and common name for their deeply held religious and moral convictions. It is the speed and numbers of people involved in the census movement, that show just how powerful the concepts of the Jedi Faith are.
The terminology used by the Jedi Church were introduced by the fictional Star Wars movies, and often references are made to the movies by our members, as a conceptual demonstration of how some might ascribe to the higher levels of a Jedi faith, in a far away land, a long time ago. The fact remains, that these concepts merely reflect a deep held innate morality, that we all have inside us, and now we have some common terminology and place to share our thoughts with each other. This morality existed prior to the movies. The movies do not in any way legitimise nor negate the legitimacy of the Jedi Church. They are merely a discussion point.
The Jedi Church neither confirm nor deny that George Lucas is a member of the Jedi Church. We do not mind if our members deny their involvement in our church should they seek to avoid persecution.
The Jedi Church movement is now progressing to gain legal status as a separate legal entity just like any other corner Church congregation. We have already received confirmation that Jedi themed marriages may be conducted by registered celebrants (registered cellebrants with the Department of Internal Affairs in NZ), in a manor no different, nor less recognised in law than any Christian marriage or marriage of any other religion or denomination.
Is the Jedi Religion Fiction?
Is the Jedi religion fiction? Many religions claim to be the one and only true religion, thus necessitating that all other religions are fictitious. In addition, although many religions claim to speak the word of God, but the truth is they are only the written word of prophets or followers of the religion. There is no way to prove or deny that what was written was the word of God. Several other religions openly admit that their text is not the word of God, and that it is only a prescribed behavior or a philosophy of life (e.g. Buddhism, Scientology). Most non fiction is a discussion of science and life, of things that can be observed, quantified and readily challenged for its truth and authenticity. But not religion. Any religion put to scrutiny is merely words on paper, with no ability to confirm its authenticity. The Jedi church makes no denial that its name and terminology originates from a fictitious past, but the concepts and ideals that are identified by Jedi followers are known for their innate truth. The sun existed before it was given a name, and it could be revered as a God, however, when the sun finally had a human name, it could be written about and communicated with others. The Jedi religion is just like the Sun, it existed before a popular movie gave it a name, and now that it has a name, people all over the world can share their experiences of the Jedi religion, here in the Jedi Church.
So in summary, no religion is truth. It is all just a matter of faith.
What Right Do We Have to Start a Jedi Church?
What right does anyone have to start a church? If a group of like minded people wish to organise a place and a structure to practise and discuss their religious thoughts, then that is the right of anyone who lives in a free and fair society. As soon as enough people are involved, they experience administrative issues that create costs too much for any single member to bear on their own. At that stage it is necessary that the organisation may create its own legitimate status to operate bank accounts and manage its own set of financial accounts, which are not to the betterment of any individual, and are long lasting should any founding members pass on.
Lets consider the Church of Scientology. About 60 years ago, a fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard wrote a body of beliefs and related practices. Hubbard chose only later to characterize his writings as an "applied religious philosophy" and since it has gained legal recognition as an official religion in many western countries. Unlike the Church of Scientology, we will not harass members of the public, nor ex members of our Church. We welcome all those who wish to join, and we farewell all those who wish to leave. We only request that the Jedi Church is given every legal right and recognition that is given to other legal and recognised churches in our society, and that our members be free to practise their religion free from persecution.
Why do you charge for membership certificates?
It is free to be a member of the church, but it costs money to print and post a certificate. The certificate fee covers those costs, plus a little more for web hosting. If we get alot of memberships in a year and have any spare funds, then these will be donated to charity. The church is a non profit organisation. The certificate does not make you a Jedi, it just makes you a member of our church, no more, no less. It is up to you if you want to be a Jedi, you will still be judged by your peers as to your Jedi worthyness and your compliance to the Jedi ways.
Something inside of me shriveled up and died just now after reading some of that. I actually feel a bit ashamed to call myself a fan right now. See, this is exactly why the non-fans think we're all fat 40 year old losers who think we're really Jedi.
I'm never ashamed to call myself a fan...I'm kind of like a jock at school, and never ashamed to admit my fandom. Just know that it's other fat, 40 year old losers who made the Jedi Church. I(Just a joke, making fun of our stereotype)
―Boba Fett
Thats just ridiculous. Honestly....its creepy. Sure, I enjoy SW as a general whole. Some Jedi are cool, and the possibilities of what the Force could do are interesting, as shown in Force Unleashed, etc. I'm working on my own Mando armor, and would, on a small level, call myself a Mando'ad, in that I admire their fictional culture and strength, and like to...embody some of the more admirable qualities they are described as having.
Basically, strength, bravery, being totally badass in every way. But just because they're cool. I recognize that its fiction, but the "Jedi Church" takes it far beyond "They've got good qualities that I can benefit from trying to have". Which is where the creepy factor comes into play.
--Captain Dynamic--
Wow. Just...wow. That's beyond words. *curls up and blinks repeatedly*
Not to mention thet their "code" is them repeating everything said in the movies...I think two people at least should go to one of the Jedi Curch's sessions, one dressed up as a Mandalorian, and one as an evil Sith...Say stuff that will contradict their code or something like that.
―Boba Fett
Good thing I don't love Star Wars that much. I'd still go to that church, videotape a session, and stick it on YouTube for the lols.
lmao I would totally like to see what goes on inside those "churches". Someone definitely should go dressed as a mando. That would be hilarious.

Thats just ridiculous. Honestly....its creepy. Sure, I enjoy SW as a general whole. Some Jedi are cool, and the possibilities of what the Force could do are interesting, as shown in Force Unleashed, etc. I'm working on my own Mando armor, and would, on a small level, call myself a Mando'ad, in that I admire their fictional culture and strength, and like to...embody some of the more admirable qualities they are described as having.
Basically, strength, bravery, being totally badass in every way. But just because they're cool. I recognize that its fiction, but the "Jedi Church" takes it far beyond "They've got good qualities that I can benefit from trying to have". Which is where the creepy factor comes into play.
i feel exactly the same way the mandalorians have great values that most sane people would agree with. And yeah the church is probably a step to far but all we can really do is talk about it, but i plan to visit the one here when it opens up.
lmao I would totally like to see what goes on inside those "churches". Someone definitely should go dressed as a mando. That would be hilarious.
Don't forget the Sith Lord to go with the Mando!
―Boba Fett

I think i might start the first national church of Fett. And Boba said "What if he doesn’t survive? He’s worth a lot to me." thinking only of the safety of his friend. Then Darth Vader offered to him reimbursment if his compaion were to be lost to the force, and Boba graciously accepted.
"...And Yoda said, let there be lightsabers, and he saw that they were good..."
I said this about the Jedi Church. About the Church of Fett:
"Boba said, let there be credits, and he saw that they were good..."
―Boba Fett

i found an "interview" of one of the churches

i was surprised to find it
Now I have heard everything. I like the Jedi beliefs that concur with Buddhism (ie stay in the present moment). However, identifying more with Boba Fett I would never go to such a church and think this is just as strange as Klingon language classes in the community colleges. The whole thing has just gone too far.
Now I have heard everything. I like the Jedi beliefs that concur with Buddhism (ie stay in the present moment). However, identifying more with Boba Fett I would never go to such a church and think this is just as strange as Klingon language classes in the community colleges. The whole thing has just gone too far.
When you say Klingon language is that an acutal credited course? Or is it a bunch of Trekkies getting together and obsessing?
Believe it or not, they tried to make it a credited course but I believed they failed.
I think to counter that we should make a course to learn Huttese. XP
Believe it or not, they tried to make it a credited course but I believed they failed.
Well, the Bloods also tried to make Street talk a credited course in California, but they failed also.
Okay...jedi churches are not good. Lucas didn't intend to start something like this. These people are going to far. This could have a price worse that death...
Its incredibly weird, yes, but death? Sorry Karson, but that's pretty harsh. And pointless.
--Captain Dynamic--
talk about dilliousions of grandur
Its incredibly weird, yes, but death? Sorry Karson, but that's pretty harsh. And pointless.
You got me wrong.
Okay...jedi churches are not good. Lucas didn't intend to start something like this. These people are going to far. This could have a price worse that death...
If you think a Church of the Force is bad, try a Star Trek church. It's insane in the membrane.
Next there will be Sith churches popping up.
What? Are jedi religious? :/
ive heard that george lucas actualy got the idea from the Vrill Society.a reall life mysical secret society originating from a theosophistic splinter group.