After I saw episode 2, and seeing Mace Windu kill Jango fett, I was almost positve that Boba would avenage his father in episode 3 by killing Mace. Do you think Boba should have killed Mace in episode 3, and do you think he would have the skills to do it?
Topic: Mace Windu vs. Boba Fett
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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that was a possibility of Mace's death in Episode III. but they changed to having Sidious lightning him through the window.
Boba wouldn't have had the skills to kill Windu even at his peak let alone when he was 15 or whatever.

Boba wouldn't have had the skills to kill Windu even at his peak let alone when he was 15 or whatever.
I disagree Boba could easily take down Mace, don't get me wrong Mace is powerful, but Boba could probably kill him in a 1 on 1 battle
I was REALLY hoping that Boba would kill Mace, even if he didn't have the skills some way there still could've been some way for Boba to kill him.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Humorbot5 wrote:Boba wouldn't have had the skills to kill Windu even at his peak let alone when he was 15 or whatever.
I disagree Boba could easily take down Mace, don't get me wrong Mace is powerful, but Boba could probably kill him in a 1 on 1 battle
In no way could Boba easily kill Mace. At Boba's peak, he may have been able to, barely. At around fifteen or so, Boba fought Mace. Boba was wearing his armor, and had his normal weapons and two extras. Boba lost, terribly.

the outline wrote:Humorbot5 wrote:Boba wouldn't have had the skills to kill Windu even at his peak let alone when he was 15 or whatever.
I disagree Boba could easily take down Mace, don't get me wrong Mace is powerful, but Boba could probably kill him in a 1 on 1 battle
In no way could Boba easily kill Mace. At Boba's peak, he may have been able to, barely. At around fifteen or so, Boba fought Mace. Boba was wearing his armor, and had his normal weapons and two extras. Boba lost, terribly.
Okay, I agree Boba couldn't EASILY take down Mace. And when he was 15 he didnt lose terribly, though he did lose and probably would have been killed if palpatine didn't stop the fight.
He did lose terribly. He was about to be killed with no way out, and the battle was very short.
I think at his peak he could beat Mace but it would still be close.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I don't think Boba could do it. Although he would put up MUCH more of a fight than Jango.

He did looses terribly. He was about to be killed with no way out, and the battle was very short.
It wasnt all that TERRIBLE for 15 he still put up a fight, btw i think u meant to say he did lose terribly not he did losses terribly
i think if boba had his EE-3 blaster and if they fought out in the oen boba wuould win (jet pack)
Windu has the Force Jump, and could block blaster bolts.
the outline wrote:Humorbot5 wrote:Boba wouldn't have had the skills to kill Windu even at his peak let alone when he was 15 or whatever.
I disagree Boba could easily take down Mace, don't get me wrong Mace is powerful, but Boba could probably kill him in a 1 on 1 battle
In no way could Boba easily kill Mace. At Boba's peak, he may have been able to, barely. At around fifteen or so, Boba fought Mace. Boba was wearing his armor, and had his normal weapons and two extras. Boba lost, terribly.
Actually the book states that Boba removed everything except the gauntlet blades and the jetpack. So he actually had the flechette gun, blades, a saberdart, and a cryoban grenade.
i bet that if boba had all of his gadjets and they were outside that mace would lose.
the only reaseon jango (like boba but not as good) lost is because his jetpack got destroyed and he didnt use both his guns only 1. boba would have his jet pack saber darts a fletchett and a flamethrower.
i bet that if boba had all of his gadjets and they were outside that mace would lose.
the only reaseon jango (like boba but not as good) lost is because his jetpack got destroyed and he didnt use both his guns only 1. boba would have his jet pack saber darts a fletchett and a flamethrower.
No, Jango lost because he dove at Mace's saber instead of shooting him in the face. Shoot first, grab weapon laater.
Hail to the King Baby!!
It's been a while since I saw the movie, but I think that Jango was using bothe of his blasters. Also, Boba was using flechette gun, jetpack and sabredart. Mace could easily block the flame-thrower.
You cant block flames.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I think he should have and hed win since well hes Boba
You cant block flames.
You can if you use the Force. Remember, the flame thrower does not go on for ever.
Two words, rope and persistence - think Bounty Hunter game :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
How can the force block fire?
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
It's been a while since I saw the movie, but I think that Jango was using bothe of his blasters. Also, Boba was using flechette gun, jetpack and sabredart. Mace could easily block the flame-thrower.
Jango had only one gun since Obi-wan knocked the other off the platform on Kamino and also the force can't stop fire why else did Windu jump when he could have stopped it?
How can the force block fire?
If the Force can be used to emmit lightning, I would imagin it could block fire.
Bullet-tooth, I would imagin simply because he chose to. Why did he not Force Push Jango off of the balcony?
Because he had to get out of the way of the fire. because you cna make lightning does not mean you cna make flame disapear. Lightning was a sith power anyway.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I did not say that he could make the flames disappear, I said that he could block it, as int push it away from him.
But there is no such proof that it is possible.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
by the way Mace Windu uses the dark side with his light saber style Vapaad so maybe it would be possible for him to do other dark side powers
Vapaad isnt a sith techniqu its just very close to sith fighting style. plus he hasent been taught anything sith and Vapaad is only a lightsaber style nothing to do with force powers. If he started trying to use sith powers he would be drawn further in and become a sith i doubt he would use sith powers.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Dark Mandalorian wrote:i bet that if boba had all of his gadjets and they were outside that mace would lose.
the only reaseon jango (like boba but not as good) lost is because his jetpack got destroyed and he didnt use both his guns only 1. boba would have his jet pack saber darts a fletchett and a flamethrower.No, Jango lost because he dove at Mace's saber instead of shooting him in the face. Shoot first, grab weapon laater.
Mace could've dodged it or either got his lightsaber in time. *in a hillbilly voice* Damn them jedi and their cheap-@$$ moves!
IG-88 wrote:How can the force block fire?
If the Force can be used to emmit lightning, I would imagin it could block fire.
Bullet-tooth, I would imagin simply because he chose to. Why did he not Force Push Jango off of the balcony?
He could've flown to safety with his jetpack and shot at Mace from somewhere in the stands.
Mace is an extremly powerful Jedi. He would probably be able to sense the blaster bolt.
Mace is an extremly powerful Jedi. He would probably be able to sense the blaster bolt.
Yeah I know I didn't mean that Jango would hit him, merely that pushing Jango off the edge of the balcony would not have done much good.
If Jango hadn't have been trampled by the reek, the battle between him and Mace would probably end in a draw, in my opinion. Boba, however, would probably beat Mace, when he was 14 he fought Mace to a stalemate. Mace didn't win, in my opinion, they both got some good hits on eachother, and when Palpatine ended it, Mace had his saber aimed at Boba and Boba had his flechete aimed at Mace. Either one of them could have gotten off the fatal shot. And if anyone still insits that Mace won, then you will probably still acknowledge that Boba put up a good fight, having punched Mace several times, and hit hima few times with is flechetes, so think what he could do as an adult against Mace.
The only reason why Boba Fett didn't get to kill Mace in EP3 is because Samuel L. Jackson said that he didn't want to die in a "un-heroic" fashion, and that he wouldn't do EP3 if they had Boba Fett kill him. He wanted to be killed off and be heroic. He's a very picky actor, like he HAD to have a PURPLE lightsaber etc. etc. etc. That's what makes me dislike him and his character.
But I'm sure, even though it may have been a fluke, that Boba Fett would have been able to kill Mace somehow. He just had to do it at the right time and the right place.
The only reason why Boba Fett didn't get to kill Mace in EP3 is because Samuel L. Jackson said that he didn't want to die in a "un-heroic" fashion, and that he wouldn't do EP3 if they had Boba Fett kill him. He wanted to be killed off and be heroic. He's a very picky actor, like he HAD to have a PURPLE lightsaber etc. etc. etc. That's what makes me dislike him and his character.
But I'm sure, even though it may have been a fluke, that Boba Fett would have been able to kill Mace somehow. He just had to do it at the right time and the right place.
If everything you just said is true then I highly dislike Sam Jackson now.
If everything you just said is true then I highly dislike Sam Jackson now.
Yep, I can't remember the source, but when I find it I'll post it. I liked Sam Jackson and Mace Windu, pretty cool character until I heard the reason _why_ Boba Fett didn't get to kill him.
It seems like he's very picky in his roles. He hates to die as a nobody. He wanted to be remembered in EP3 as the one who died heroically for the Jedi's. He didn't want to be killed off by a "nobody". Lame if you ask me. EP3 would have been soooo much cooler if BF would have taken out MW.
I understand him though, but it doesn't mean I like it or agree with it! >=(
gah! i hate mace windu! That was a horrible way for Jango to go. I mean Jango kicked the crap out of kenobi and if not for getting trampled and having his blasters forced away from him, he would've done the same to windu. he did set him on fire momentarily though.
I doubt that Jango could have bested Windu, as he is one of the most powerful Jadi.
Yet he resorted to a 'cheap shot' and used an opportunistic style of killing Jango. I (Sorry, Mace_Windu_) never really liked Windu that much. He seemed, to me, to be arrogant, as if the Jedi were all powerful, and an dramticist. He always went for the dramatic fights/entrances. If he hadn't, he may have been able to apprehend Palpatine. I'd say that Boba would win by a long shot; he has far more skill than Windu. Sorry if I've offended anyone; that is just my opinion.
Yet he resorted to a 'cheap shot' and used an opportunistic style of killing Jango. I (Sorry, Mace_Windu_) never really liked Windu that much. He seemed, to me, to be arrogant, as if the Jedi were all powerful, and an dramticist. He always went for the dramatic fights/entrances. If he hadn't, he may have been able to apprehend Palpatine. I'd say that Boba would win by a long shot; he has far more skill than Windu. Sorry if I've offended anyone; that is just my opinion.
I do not like Windu because of his arrogance, but there is no way Jango or Boba (easily at least) could best Jango.
Sorry, in my quickness, I underestimated Windu. It won't happen again.
Gustavo_Perez wrote:If everything you just said is true then I highly dislike Sam Jackson now.
Yep, I can't remember the source, but when I find it I'll post it. I liked Sam Jackson and Mace Windu, pretty cool character until I heard the reason _why_ Boba Fett didn't get to kill him.
It seems like he's very picky in his roles. He hates to die as a nobody. He wanted to be remembered in EP3 as the one who died heroically for the Jedi's. He didn't want to be killed off by a "nobody". Lame if you ask me. EP3 would have been soooo much cooler if BF would have taken out MW.
I understand him though, but it doesn't mean I like it or agree with it! >=(
they mentioned boba fett fighting mace widu in boba fett pursuit #6 (it was not a very good book)
Yes, that has been previously described.
And that goes for me as well
Hi im new here.
Wait a second in pursuit boba wasn't necesserly going to lose. Think about it they were within slashing distance of each other so mace would not of been able to block the flechette blast from that close.
Boba had no weapons in his hands, and Windu was about one second away from killing Boba. Not even Boba was able to get out of that mess on his own.
Boba had no weapons in his hands, and Windu was about one second away from killing Boba. Not even Boba was able to get out of that mess on his own.
I was under the impession he was holding the flechette gun.
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