Fan Fiction Review


Avatar timho rated this and wrote this review on January 25, 2019:

After a violent skirmish with pirates in the outermost regions of the galaxy, Fett finds himself, and the Slave I in critical condition - he finds himself crash landed on a planet he, or even the Imperials, know nothing about. He will not live long without help. Will our infamous bounty hunter find a way to keep himself alive, while the pirates are already searching for his crashed ship to finish him off? Losing conciousness is not a good start for Fett.

Fairly well done fanfic by Luana, who writes a very well structured story, with the beginning, body, climax, and end clearly laid out. The dialogue is very effective, compensating for a story that might lack a little in flow. It is a bit choppy at times, but nevertheless, characterization and atmosphere are above average - this story reveals an almost compassionate side of Fett.

Full marks for an unpretentious, face paced short story that many of you might find to be an interesting read.