how do u get an avatar??
Topic: Avatar Requests
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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i have another request...
a really cool shot of Jodo Kast's helmet/head.
maybe from this?
(just the helmet shot, though...)
how do u get an avatar??
you ask for what you want.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.

is that one ok? or do you want one with a gun to the back of his head?
yes, one like that... (the gun "shot". no pun intended...)
unless there's a better shot of him in Twin Engine's of Destruction...
this is my 300th post, everyone! yay! :D
i'm going to cry... :( *snif...*
good times have been had...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
could some one make the upper half of this small enough to work? or less then the upper half. I realy want some of the chest plate, and the head.
also, could some one make the image here fit?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Does anyone know where i can find a really good pic of Sev that I can use as an avatar?
I could try to fit it down fit it for you.
How do you paste photos onto the text box thingy
Could someone get me a cool Jaster Mereel avatar?? =D :cool::rolleyes:
Two (or three for that matter) posts in a row is considered spam, theres an edit button in the lower right hand of the post, you can use that to add to your post
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Calm down, it is his first time. Let it go.
And exactly why do you assume that I was freaking out or somthing when I said that?
I was just telling him so he knows, and he refrains from repeating this.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yeah I know but it vexes if you jump on them ever time.
hey, the sooner the better, deal with it.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Hey its not like you have not been busted for spaming.
I know. Im trying to keep others from spamming, then geting busted by some one who freaks out on them.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Okay, but just give them a chance ya know no one likes to be bothered all the time.
Dude. if i dont tell them itl be like green. So stop argueing and deal with it (yeah spelling is bad. sory.)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Hi, i was wondering if i could have an avatar of Boba Fett from EpisodeII, perferably when he is laughing on the SlaveI when they are shooting at Obi-Wan :)
-Mando in training
(please pardon my spelling)
s'cuy vode!
Thanx to Sev, I finally got my Avatar!
I would love an Avatar with Han
hey can someone make me an avatar with master Yoda on it please if you can
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
It helps if you have an image that you want resizing. But here is a link to a site with Yoda avatars.
Be warned some of these avatars are 100*100 pixels. Those ones you will need resized to 64*64.
its on that link you gave me and its the 8th one. The one where he is holding his lightsaber and thanx
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
if anyone doesnt mind.... could you make a an avatar on the mandalorian symbole!
go on google find the mandalorian symbol and use paint to make it smaller and then save it and then upload. To upload
1.Go to Profile
2.Go to Personality
3.Click Upload
4.Pick it and then click ok or upload from your files
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
Make sure it is 64 by 64 pixels or less.
yea that too i forgot thanx Sev
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
Make sure it is 64 by 64 pixels or less.
When I joined the BFFC the max was 60x60.
When did this change? (If it even did...)
(Lancelot! <3)
thx guys...
Sev Fett wrote:Make sure it is 64 by 64 pixels or less.
When I joined the BFFC the max was 60x60.
When did this change? (If it even did...)
Again: ditto
hay i got one now!
'Mandalorians for life,' gotta love that!!! Nice name!
Nice Av., too!
i know its alsome!!!
i havent got an avatar and really want one...... :/
Yes, i've tried but they dont work. :/
Ok, I have a question for all of you. Do any of you know where I can find a picture of Obi-Wan from episode 3, when hes holding the blaster, just before he shoots Grevious? I've searched but I cant find one....:(
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Thanks. I'll do that....eventualy
I just want to get that shot of him holding a baster :D
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
That sounds like a great pic. :)
cool man...:)
Yep! it certainly is cool!
terra have you made my coloured ones yet? :O
sorry i thought this was terra's things. oops, lol :|
See, Mandalorians for life, I did it.
This was yours is one with just a plain black background the one you'll want, but I think it's better without the white part. :)
Hey Mandalorians for life, I really like your av as it is; the white bars on the side make it look like a banner; but terra has a point. Looking at the 2, the all black might be better in such a small av; makes it look less squeezed
Either way, they're both great! :)
Yeah, a blood red might do the trick!
Hi people, Im looking for an avatar with a republic storm trooper. Doesn't matter what it looks like, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have already got an avatar so dont find me one now, thanks....... :)
Lookin' good, green! :)
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