try and get one of your friends to "invite you to go with him/her" thats what i would try. and BTW, do you have a live strong braclet or some other one like that? if you do, have some one shot it at you from like 2 feet away. when you get hit, it feels just like that, or less.
Topic: Paintball
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
78 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI went paintballing in Florida. I'm a cool weather guy so i wore shorts and a muscle shirt and a backwards cap and a Face mask but not a helmet i also had a Tippman gun. they are f****** awesome, the hopper is moved over so you have a sight and during the last bit it was me, my ally, and one enemy, wew were crouched down behind some barrels and slowly advancing on it. I stuck my head up and my teammate yelled "over there", but there was no cover. I yelled "where?" and all these pink dots on my goggles appear. the second time i got taken out in the begining. My teammate had really bad cover and shot me in the back from ten feet away. It hurt like F****** d*** H*** later, when i looked at my mask and hat there was a pinkstreak along my hat ending on a corner of my mask right a bove my ear. I almost took my gun and walked over to my teammate and shot him full of paint then beat him over the head with my gun

was he mad or something? or did he do it by accident? if so what a stupid loser! and it is leaglle to shoot a teammate back if he shoots you
Hints for paintballin:
1. If you are doin woodsball- think like a sniper, dont give our position away until you know you have a definate tag
- don't fire until you are 90% sure its not a teammate =P (90-95%)
- Make use of your surroundings, Climb a tree for a better veiw or to get the drop on somebody, Sometimes you can just lay on the ground to confuse a persuer.
2. For speedball- get a friend to lay down supressing fire on 1 guy, dive over and take him out
- Never EVER stand up straight, if you need to move crouch sprint and dive.
- Make sure you know where your team mates are to know where the enemy can't be.
- If you see a target, let loosewith everything you got
Most of all have fun and let the adrenaline rush!! =P Seeya on the field.
Hail to the King Baby!!

I went again!! it was so awesome! I shot a really good player in his butt. I snuck up on him, it was great.
Here is the one I'm going to get.
with this hopper
and eventually this
so I will have a Red Smart Parts Ion, with Red Halo B hopper. This thing is going to own. but.. BD is sgetting his first.... I still need like, 350$$ gun package, with air system 269.99. Hopper= 120.
this will take some time to save up for. I'll post pics when I get it.
The first time I played paintball, it was a speedball course, every one got hit but me, and 38 year old guy, and had had been playing for about 5 years. It was a showdown, like in the movies. The rookie vs. the pro. I was down to my last 25 rounds, and he poked around the corner and I did the same thing , shot him right in th butt. It freaking hilarious, but he got me back later.
i actually just recently went, just got a new 16" barrel and i was hittin people like crazy. Goin again saturday with like 10 people, so it should be eventful.
Hail to the King Baby!! you know if this
would be fully automatic??
*menacing smile*
ARC has this one
I had one but I sold it.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch. you know if this
would be fully automatic??
*menacing smile*
..... Its an M249.... so... Yeah... It will be fully automatic...
but I would not get it from there, too expensive. hre is where I got my gun. Awesome guys.
wow painul...iagine getting sprayed by that?
I am getting my Ion sooner than ARC is so I will post pics then.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
nah this is cheaper...and im getting it
oh and i know what they reccomend...but what do u reccomend as an extra?

I Reccomend you dont get the Star. 1. It has a plastic gear box. Bad. and star dose not have a good reputation for airsoft. If this is your firt real Airsoft (cheap little walmart guns do not count) I would get a Tokyo marui M4 or Mp5. Not a 500+ gun for the first one.
im in uk...never seen a real wal mart :( ...but the ppl im looking to buy with atm dnt have a good rep?

not really, the gear boxes break soon after you get it. You want wone with a metal gear box. so like, get a TM or somthin. thats were I got my Vsr-10 pro sniper. I love it.
im sorry but i have my heart set on this even thought i will prob never afford it :(
how many times have we here at BFFC heard that??? :P
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not a clue im new....tell me :P
I use a 98 custom, but I want to get a tippmann A-5, not yet though because I just finished my boba fett costume, it's sweet.
shogran, ARC, lets try to stay on topic, No airsoft. PAINTBALL!
Make a topic for airsoft if you want to.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
iv been paintball before, but i was scared of gettig hit so i just shadowes the end i was hit only twice and it didnt hurt, one on my glove when i surrendered ass told because some idiot saw a gun and a hand go up and got trigger happy, and the other time on my foot when i was hiding my behind a tree and my foot clipped out into the fire.
all in all it's great fun!!