han solo sared in horror as storm troopers burst into hanger bay 8."cheweie,lets get this crate into orbit fast"he yelled.
oh great he thought as he laid on covering fire,a bounghty from jabba and now really red hot guests.at that momant he heard a jet back and looked up to see somebody he really did not want to see flying in.Boba Fett.Now my day is perfect thought han solo and turned to return fire on fett but a stray blaster bolt caught fetts back back and he crashed head first onto the ladder of the falcon.the kidd in work clothes ran down and hauled fett into the falcon.
Later in hyperspace the millenium falcons was a place with a bad atmosphere.boba fett and the old man sat and stared grimly at each other and the kid looked like he wanted to hide in a corner.han solo felt abit inclined to do the same.
"you jedi killed my father."growled fett.
"it was an act of war and your father was trying to shoor mace windu at the time."
"is that supposed to make me feel better?it does not.who is your new padawan then?"
there was a lomg silence as the two locked eyes.
"the boys name is luke skywalker.his father was killed by the dark lord of the sith vader.there,you know who he is.the son of a jedi and my padawan."
fett sat back and stared at kenobi through his helmet in silence.
"the son of a jedi then."
kenobi let out a breath tat the kid did not see but han solo did.
"i hate to break this up"said han solo but we are about to arrive at alderbannan."
"dont forget ive still got a bounty on you solo."
"your bounty is now meanigless"said old man kenobi"fate has put you in common cause with us."
The Emperor of the Galaxy sat down at the meeting table and stared at his advisors as they came in.Admirals Thrawn and Paelleon bowed low and Jedi Master skywalker nodded gravely,along with the ex rebellion politicians of the new senate.
"tell me your views on this new enemy the vong."said Emperor Fett.
Topic: A diiferent fett
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
13 posts
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k what just happened?!
Thats easy to get lost in...there's tons of plot holes in that.
―Boba Fett
plot holes, misspellings, bad grammar...
i suggest ppl take more time to post these things.
take some pride in your work!
Uh, what? I'm confused.
It definitely could use some work. Boba Fett doesn't seem the type to just change loyalties like that, especially when there is a lack of large sums of money involved, or other such things that would greatly benefit him. I do not know what "common cause" Kenobi was referring to. Also, the lack of a new paragraph for that time-jump threw me off for a few seconds.
Yeah.....I'm rather confused. The most I understood is Fett showed up on Tatooine, jumped in the Falcon, chit chatted with Han and Ben, then nearly showed up on alderbannan. Fett took control of the Death Star, I presume, killed Vader, then the Emperor, and took over the Empire. And everyone followed him.
If you wrote this out with proper writing styles and better explanation, it could be an interesting alternate universe story, maybe. But only if you did that.
--Captain Dynamic--
Alderbannan? No matter how familiar that sounds, I think he means Alderaan.
―Boba Fett
i just read the whole thing again...
Yeah, I know. Alderbannan is still my favorite.
--Captain Dynamic--
Not meaning to sound nasty or anything, but there were some....issues....with reading the fic. Without Capitalization and punctuation in certain areas, it got difficult to read. A couple breaks in the writing also would've made it a bit easier to understand. That last bit with the Emperor Fett also confused me. Sounds like you've got some cool ideas, but they were hard to make out.

im dislepsic,so writing is hard for me.i could not read till i was 14.im just presenting an concept.what if boba fett got on the falcon with everybody else and found himself a part of the rebellion,wanted as a rebell with evrybody else.hed have to take the ball and run with it.hes so much smarter than all the other characters.so hed end up running the show and taking over.
Ok, and I'm sorry for judging it so harshly. It is an interesting concept, but people didn't view it through the light of knowing you're dyslexic, and if we had, we would have understood. And writing is hard for most people anyways--ignore the comments, both theirs and mine.
--Captain Dynamic--
im dislepsic,so writing is hard for me.i could not read till i was 14.im just presenting an concept.what if boba fett got on the falcon with everybody else and found himself a part of the rebellion,wanted as a rebell with evrybody else.hed have to take the ball and run with it.hes so much smarter than all the other characters.so hed end up running the show and taking over.
Sorry, didn't know. Please forgive me if you thought my comments were rude.
―Boba Fett