ITs either 3 years or 10..... or whatever I dont remember. Anybody here know?
Topic: How long did the Clone Wars last?
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
41 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI'm pretty sure it was 3 years.
10 years was between EP1 and EP2, 3 between EP2 and EP3--which was the Clone Wars
That's correct, 3 years covers the Clone Wars or 6-10 years if you age as fast and a sporadically as a Clonetrooper!
I was under the impression it was closer to 5....not sure why though.
--Captain Dynamic--
I have the star wars VD (visual dictionary) and it says three.
Yeah what Alo said :P
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I think too it's three. Ten years between EP2 and EP3!! :O
I agree.
It must to be three!
It's either 3 or 5. But I think it's 3 aswell.
its 3 says so on wiki page
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I think this topic would do better under serious geeking.

Got it under control, I hope. He got the Banhammer for sure.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Sadriel saves the day ;)
I got the impression the Clone Wars went for longer than 3 years. But then I suppose a lot can happen in three years...
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
For example, growing long hair and becoming a mass murderer :P
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Clone Wars Lasted 3 Years
As Everyone Else Has Said
Three years for sure, but so much happened in those three years. While WW II was from 41-45 as far as the US was concerned think how much happened not only as far as combat, but as social, political and scientific advancement.
We saw the birth of true SUPER POWERS with the breakthrough in atomic energy.
Women breaking through into thte workforce.
Soviet and Western tensions that would define the poitical backdrop for over 50 years.
Arms build up.
War that led to several more.
Much can be accomplished in just a few short years.
For example, growing long hair and becoming a mass murderer :P
Yea I agree that it is 3
And then losing long hair (And all organic limbs) When you get defeated by your master in a lightsaber duel on a planet similar to hell
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Definately 3 years since I mentally keep track of the years so I can estimate how old dudes are. Like Obi-wan in the "New Hope" was in his mid to late 50's since he was 18-21 in "The Phantom Menace" then 10 years later in "Attack of the Clones". So he was in his early to mid. 20 there. Then 3 years later in the "Revenge of the Sith" he'd be in early 30's. Then about twenty years later in a "New Hope" (since Luke was all grown up) so Obi would be in his mid to late 50's. I'm sorry I'm sooooo weird like this but it helps me enjoy Star Wars if I know what age people are and when things happened. Oww and it hurts my head!
-Boba Fett-
I like to know the characters' ages too. It is interesting though if he was in his mid fifties in "A New Hope", why they picked a 97 year-old actor, Alec Guinness, to play him instead of a younger actor.
You know I have know idea. :/ but he should be in his fifty's I like did the math and everything!
P.S. I hate MATH!!
-Boba Fett-
Obi-Wan was 20-30 years old in TPM. So i'm pretty sure he was older...
What he didn't look that old? he hardly looked out of his teens. :/
-Boba Fett-
wasnt rly expecting this many replys from such a simple question...
I = topic starting mastor. :P
Well I don't know about anyone else but I know I'm a total chatter box
( diarrhea of the mouth) as my Social Studys teacher says. :D
-Boba Fett-
Hah haaa haa hah ha! I'm soory I laugh at everything!
-Boba Fett-
dont worry...My feelings remain intact
That's good to know... I guess. :)
-Boba Fett-
it should be 5 but the star wars franchaise says three.which seems a very short time for a society to change so dramatically
I am not sure how long it lasted but in film terms it has not lasted too long.
I wish that George Lucas would stop making stuff about the Clone Wars and move onto the next thing regarding Star Wars (I am getting tired of the Clone Wars)
Well three years of war is an awfully long time, on a day by day basis.
in a way its started 23 years ago with the trade federation blockade of naboo.
I like to know the characters' ages too. It is interesting though if he was in his mid fifties in "A New Hope", why they picked a 97 year-old actor, Alec Guinness, to play him instead of a younger actor.
If you read the Kenobi book you learn that he intentionally exposed himself to Tatooine's twin suns in order to cause himself to appear physically older and more weathered as part of his disguise. So while he is 19 years older in episode 4 than he was in episode 3 it makes sense that he was played by the then 62 year old Alec Guinness instead of an actor ten years younger.
Also you have to keep in mind that when episode 4 was filmed the timeline of episodes 1-3 wasn't firmly established even in George Lucas' own mind.

Great points. Which Kenobi book?
pretty much says explicitly38-39 months in the new essential chrono book that has been updated to clone wars series (only to season 5 no _L_O_ST__MI__S_SI__O_N_S).check it out OH yeah he (Obi-wan) was born 52 yeras prior to the battle of yavin)so minus 19 yeras makes him 33 @ the end of ROTS and makes him 29 @ the end of AOTC and 19 @ the end of TPM end of story period.
A little over three years. Read Karen Traviss's Republic Commando series. It has dates.