That would about sum it up.
Topic: What Is the Mando Culture?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
53 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWell, after reading all three pages I am going to be a bit of a downer here. I have a master's in anthropology. I think the Maori thing works to a certain extent, if you buy in to the Jango/ Boba connection. In the first release of the films Boba Fett's voice was anything but Kiwi!
His voice was really evil and menacing but not New Zealander. I hate Karen Traviss' work because she is building on a mythology that was to never be. It's in the media of the era, it's in the movies.."no disintegrations!...As you wish" "he's no good to me dead!" etc. Boba Fett was never meant to be the major character he became in episodes 1-3. I think what George Lucas did with Boba Fett is so f,,, stupid. The more mysterious his character is the more impact it has. All of the "mando" crap that has evolved since Return of the Jedi is just fluff to me. And as far as canon goes...I dare anyone out there to tell me where it starts and where it ends. (I mean really, even if C-3Po's memory was wiped R2-D2's wasn't and they were both in the Death Star when Ben Kenobi became one with the force.)I would think that R2 just might have mentioned to 3Po that Darth Vader was his maker....)
But I digress ...there was never supposed to be a fully fleshed out "Mando" culture so I think it is cool to just leave it as it is.
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Well, after reading all three pages I am going to be a bit of a downer here. I have a master's in anthropology. I think the Maori thing works to a certain extent, if you buy in to the Jango/ Boba connection. In the first release of the films Boba Fett's voice was anything but Kiwi! His voice was really evil and menacing but not New Zealander.
I'm not sure what connections you're trying to make here. Who cares if he had a Kiwi accent or not? The connection between the Mandalorians and the Maori culture was....cultural.....nobody is saying Boba and Jango were litterally FROM New Zealand; the accent was yet another improvement from George. And Lucas couldn't have been trying to pay some kind of tribute to Traviss' Mando'ade (not that he would anyway, he takes a dump all over his authors every chance he gets, INCLUDING Traviss lately) because Traviss claims the ancient Celts as the influencing culture for her Mandos, not the Maori that I know of.
In short, the Maori connection as far as I know was a link to Traviss' Mandos based on her content and fan interpretation, and had nothing to to with Lucas picking Morrison, or the voice change. You're reading too much into it.
I hate Karen Traviss' work because she is building on a mythology that was to never be. It's in the media of the era, it's in the movies.."no disintegrations!...As you wish" "he's no good to me dead!" etc. Boba Fett was never meant to be the major character he became in episodes 1-3.
This was your argument on the Traviss thread, and I honestly can't understand where you're coming from with this line of thinking.
My most basic argument against this statement would be: Who Cares?? Lucas's original intent for Boba is honestly meaningless to me. Boba's character, his look, his style, everything about him BEGGS for a backstory! The creation of an entire working culture for Boba and his armor is a tribute to several elements of the Star Wars comunity. To the costume designers who made Boba such an intriging looking character, as in one sense you're right in that he was really not much more then a bit player, yet in my opinion was THE most interesting looking character in either trilogy. To Jerremy Bullock and the ORIGINAL voice actor for their portrayals. And lastly and most importantly to some hard-nosed fans who took advantage of the wonderful Star Wars universe, one of the only places in story telling where such things as this are possible, and demanded and/or created their own a backstory for their favorite character.
I think what George Lucas did with Boba Fett is so f,,, stupid. The more mysterious his character is the more impact it has.
I will agree with you here in one sense; Jango in Ep. II should not have been Boba's father. Honestly I like the concept as a whole, and there was a potential, but it had a weak delivery and the Boba connection and had to be the weakest and most annoying link in Jango's story.
All of the "mando" crap that has evolved since Return of the Jedi is just fluff to me.
Well, that's your opinion, and not much more. Not sure why you post it here on my thread that asks WHO they are, and not if you think it's all BS or not. Peronally, it's the Mando'ade that made me a full fledge Star Wars fan. But again, that's not really on topic, nor is it anything more than personal opinion.
And as far as canon goes...I dare anyone out there to tell me where it starts and where it ends. (I mean really, even if C-3Po's memory was wiped R2-D2's wasn't and they were both in the Death Star when Ben Kenobi became one with the force.)I would think that R2 just might have mentioned to 3Po that Darth Vader was his maker....)
And here I whole heartedly agree with you. Lucas, as I said someplace above, has taken a dump on damn near every author who has written for Star Wars for years. He will authorize an author to work on their project, and within a few years to make a few more bucks he'll let somebody else come in and totally contradict previous work as if it doesn't exist, all with his stamp of approval. It's true that real Star Wars fans are Lucas's biggest critics; we above all see all the plot holes and inconsistincies that Lucas has gotten away with
But again, how is this in any way relavent to my thread? If you think the whole Mando'ade thing is BS, keep it to the KT thread. If you think Lucas is on crack and can't keep ANY of his stories straight, I'm with ya; but is this the place for it? I appreciate you bringing my old thread back to life, and if you have any real theories on who and what the Mandalorian culture IS, and not whether it should exist or not, I'd love to hear and field them. Otherwise, lets please stay on topic