Pistol or rifle or both. Mine would be a DH-17 pistol and a E-11 rifle.
Topic: What would your blaster be?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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I've never thought about blasters all that much. Because I've had some experience with swords and foils in real life, I've always been drawn to vibroblades/ vibroswords and lightsabers.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I don't know the technical name of it but I would like the kind of blaster Chewbacca has.
Chewbacca uses a bowcaster. It has a more powerful shot than many other types of blaster wepons.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
EE-3 or a Snare Rifle.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Definately a Geonosian sonic blaster.
(Lancelot! <3)
How about the Xerroll Nightstinger? I would definately use that one
As side arms Jango's WESTAR-34 blaster pistols or Fordo's DC-17 repeater hand blasters. As for big guns Boba's EE-3 or one of those insane repeating blaster's the ARC lieutenants had in the Clone Wars cartoon.
-Nope, that ner vod is simply the sound of natural selection at its finest.
I am afraid I am not very knowledgeable about the types of blasters that you can get.
However I would go for something compact yet powerful.
Does anyone know of a blaster that would fit that description?
You would probably what the 434 blaster pistol.
You would probably what the 434 blaster pistol.
That would be perfect, thank you :D
Chewbacca uses a bowcaster. It has a more powerful shot than many other types of blaster wepons.
So we learn something new everyday. Thank you for tht information Si Titran: it sounds like I made a good choice.
Your Welcome. The EE3 blaster that Boba uses, is that also the main weapon that he is equipped with in Battlefront II? I'd check it myself but my xbox is currently not hooked up anywhere. I like that one, as it has a heavy power, but sometimes I feel that it needs to be reloaded too often. The DC 17s a nice multi use to me, though sometimes I wish it had a more powerful shot.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I would use duel E-11 blasters and a KiSteer 1284 projectile rifle.
I've never thought about blasters all that much. Because I've had some experience with swords and foils in real life, I've always been drawn to vibroblades/ vibroswords and lightsabers.
Same here,but a Conc-rifle is just so kick A**
For me it would have to be Boba's EE3 blaster, I trust him to get the best blaster possible. That or the one Han uses, I've always loved that blaster but forgot the exact model number for it.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

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I think I would have one of those repeating blasters.
hmm, i think Jango's Westar-34 Twin Dallorian blasters would be cool too. That or the Grievance Striker.
HK-47 :P
That's the only blaster I'd want. A Sentient killing machine with a sense of humor, not to mention a big gun as well.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I'd be more of a up-close and personal type of hunter, so I'd want a weapon like the flechette rifle/shotgun the Clone Engineers carry on BF:2. A modified Mandalorian pistol like the ones in KOTOR woould be cool but it would probably be hard finding one.

Four milliam year old mando pistol. 2000000 credit.
Four milliam year old mando pistol. 2000000 credit.
Being the first bounty hunter since Calo Nord to have one. Priceless.(and it's 4,000 years old by Boba's time)
If anyone were to have one it would be Boba as he did go out of his way to find and collect Mandalorian weapons. And as being the best in the buisness he would have the funds.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I think I would have one of those repeating blasters.
I forgot about repeaters,nice choice!
Are there replicas of repeaters?
I have not come up with any replicas of the repeating blasters, only the small ones that go with action figures. Perhaps someone knows the craft of making them? I know many people started off by making things to fill the gaps that others do not have.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Hah! i can beat all that, I wouldent have a "gun" realy, my "gun" would be the death star cannon......laser......thingy....er....:|
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
cool, disintagrate all planets and ships, and tiny, tiny, tiny people, lol, classic, :)

Hah! i can beat all that, I wouldent have a "gun" realy, my "gun" would be the death star cannon......laser......thingy....er....:|
HA good one :lol:
I would also have a blaster like Jango's
and i would have a skiff guard blaster , they look cool, and pointy
and i would have a skiff guard blaster , they look cool, and pointy
....I can see it now....
*fake holo vid AD* Has this ever happend to you? *shows a rebel soldier fire then run out of ammo and die*Well, now you wont need to wory with the Killtech H-88 Skiff Guard Blaster *picture of the weapon* *swith to skiff guard fring weapon* The H-88 has a 142 and a half round magazine and can fire in four settings, single shot, three shot burts, full auto, and MEGADEATH. These four setting make the H-88 very versatile, and its pointy two so it can be used as a spear in mele combat *shows guy with H-88 run out of ammo then throw it at his foes* The H-88 is a very well built weapon and is only available at Paulmart *commercial ends*
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Adeptus_Astartes did you mean me in that story, or telling me wat the blaster
How strong do you have to be to fire a Bowcaster? Could a really strong human fire one? Because I'd want one of those too, if firing it didn't take forever for a human to do.
i would have dual dc 15s and bail organas blaster in the prequels and the arc troopers.... yah thats it
so uncivilized.
i use a lightsaber operated by a yellow crystal called Luruthium found in the Mountains of Hoth.
what now, son?!?
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
How strong do you have to be to fire a Bowcaster? Could a really strong human fire one? Because I'd want one of those too, if firing it didn't take forever for a human to do.
they make bow casters with a dill where it makes easy to pull
so uncivilized.
i use a lightsaber operated by a yellow crystal called Luruthium found in the Mountains of Hoth.
what now, son?!?
What now is that Im gona get a super-star deastroyer with all the stuff that comes with it, thats whats now. :)
you know what now??? a coupe of life-eater virus bombs. they disolve every single organinc thing on a planet. then one laser shot from space, instant firestorm, one dead planet....
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
psssh...the Force is with me, Mandal! :P
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
boba's rifle, and jango's pistols.
psssh...the Force is with me, Mandal! :P
I hope so.....for your sake
.......some one should make a midichlorian vaccine......
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i would have the skiff guards blaster, :P i think there way cool! but they are a strange shape
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