Hello ner vode I am from clan Ka'ra we are a growing mando'ade clan and we welcome anyone and everyone to come and join we are not hippies or weirdos we are just star wars fans who love the mando'ade we are not trying to steal members we just want to exdend our hospitality and offer people the chance to join our clan we have a mand'alor and we have a few members here is our website. s4.invisionfree.com/Vode_An/ we have the right to do what we are doing it says so in the us constition. please take a look and thanks for you time.
Topic: clan Ka'ra
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
10 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestwhat the heck??

we are not crazy or weird we just love star wars and the mando'ade I am mando legacy on the other site as well if you want to joing or have any questions you can pm me on the other site and again we just want to say hello.
i'll send you a pm then mando....:)

I would post a link to the website but I dont know how sorry.
i'll tell, you. right go to message boards then go to the near top screen and go on messages then click new message ...you should have no trouble at all! i hope this is enough for you :)
Green, he did not ask how to find messages, he asked how to post a link.
Mando, all you have to do is go to the address bar, and copy the URL, and paste it.
Yeah... don't think ner vod is weird or anything... we're not, just trying to start something that'll eventually make a big impact.
Here is the link to the actual site, by the way: http://www.freewebs.com/clankara/
you think your smarter than me draco, i was trying to help mando and you say " green, he did not ask how to find messages, he asked how to post a link, " and then you be all smarmy on him, lol, jeezzz!
You were trying to help him, but you did not help him with what he needed help with. I never insulted you. I simply helped Mando Legacy.