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#248: November 13, 2014

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#ThrowbackThursday / #ThrowforwardThursday: Marvel's 2015 Line-up for Fett Looks ... Familiar

This first move for present-day Marvel working with Fett is actually something we've already seen before. It's a re-do of their Star Wars #68 comic from 1983. In fact, this isn't even Boba Fett; it's Tobbi Dala and Fenn Shysa (two Mandalorians) who make an appearance.

(Correction: it's assumed Boba Fett has a different appearance – on the cover and in the center spread is the same character with Wookiee scalps.)

Here's hoping to something new in 2015.

#marvel #starwars #mandalorians #vintage #bobafett #bobafettfanclub