Echo Station: Exploring Star Wars Beyond The Daily News

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Echo Station: Exploring Star Wars Beyond The Daily News


Interview by Jim Fisher

Arguably the "busiest writer in the Star Wars Universe" but certainly the most prolific (see the extensive credit list below), author Andy Mangels may well also be the most outspoken. Besides the recently finished "The Essential Guide to Star Wars Characters" and the on-going Boba Fett comic serial ("Twin Engines of Destruction," with artist John Nadeau [interview last issue] and our own Graphics Editor Jordi Ensign) in Star Wars Galaxy magazine, Mangels also maintains a fairly high on-line profile, answering fans' Email and message posts. Andy has declared his intentions to become at least a semi-regular on CompuServe's SFMedia Forums and recently spoke to ECHO STATION about his journeys through the galaxies here and far, far away...

Andy Mangels: Thanks much for having me here. Always happy to talk to Star Wars fans.

Echo Station: Let's get down to the questions.

AM: Shoot.

ES: How did you get started doing Star Wars projects?

AM: I had been a SW fan since the first movie came out in theatres. For many years I had tried to get some foot in the door, especially when Dark Horse picked up the comic license. I live in Portland, and they're nearby, but I couldn't get anywhere. I had done some work with Topps, who was doing the Galaxy magazine, and I asked if I could do something for their first issue. They assigned me the "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Boba Fett But Didn't Know Where To Look" article. That got Lucasfilm's attention, and they asked me to call about a possible book deal. I called, and 45 minutes later had the book contract for SW: The Essential Guide To Characters. Once I was done with the book, they cleared me to start working with other licensors, which I'm doing with gusto now. I love being a part of SW's future.

ES: What projects are you currently working on?

amangel2.JPG (17550 bytes)AM: I just finished the Boba Fett four-parter (for SW Galaxy Mag) and some work for Applause. I'm revising some of the text for my Topps card set and waiting for clearance to begin work on my first article for SW Insider. Fett lookalike Jodo Kast in trouble from the first installment of the Star Wars Galaxy Magazine Fett series I'm also plotting a Jodo Kast fiction prequel to the Boba Fett four-parter for SW Adventure Journal, [which may include Fenn Shysa, a Marvel Comics' SW character who wore Mandalorian armor] and a fiction short story about Boussh for SW Galaxy #7. Other hopeful things are on the way. I may be writing a catalog of SW products for Don Post Studios. There are a lot of things in negotiation, plus more work from Kenner, Applause, Hamilton, Topps, etc

ES: It looks like you've got a full plate. Does Lucasfilm have much say in what you write?

AM: Lucasfilm has full approval on everything I write. The book was actually commissioned by Lucasfilm and sold to Del Rey. For everything else, I am hired by the licensors. I write the copy for them, it gets sent to Lucasfilm, gets approved or disapproved (in which case I revise it), and the job goes to layout. Lucasfilm hasn't stopped me from working for anyone in SW licensing, and has suggested me for several jobs. I'm pretty aggressive about pursuing work on my own though (boy, is that an understatement!).

amangel4.JPG (37538 bytes)ES: How did you go about getting the Character Guide "off the ground?"

AM: I already had a huge collection of SW books and comics, so the first thing was to make a list of whatever I didn't have and work with Lucasfilm or other collectors to complete the collection. We also had to decide which characters would be included in the book. I sent Lucasfilm a listing which had all major and minor film characters, plus 4-5 characters from each novel or major SW comic storyline. They added to it with a list of upcoming characters from novels, and then THEY pared the list down with some input from me. I did not have final say, so if anyone's favorite character isn't represented, they shouldn't blame me. I tried to include info about many minor characters that didn't make the cut in related entries. From there I had to read, catalogue, and FOOTNOTE every entry. It was an exhausting four months of work.

ES: How much say did you have in the art that was to be included in the Character Guide?

AM: I had no say on the artwork. It was pulled by Lucasfilm based on what they had in their files. I tried to give art notes for artist Michael Butkuts, but due to the speed in which he had to do the art, most of them were never even given to him. Thus we have the one I refer to as "Barbie Daala," and a few others which were nothing near what I envisioned them and a little away from what the author described. Overall, I was very happy with the art for the book. Michael did a tremendous job. I wish they had gone with a different cover design though. I haven't met anyone yet who liked the cover.

ES: Are there any plans for a 2nd edition of the Character Guide?

AM: I certainly hope there will be a 2nd edition and that they'll let me write it. I am collecting the errors from this guide so they can be corrected. The best thing for fans to do is to deluge Del Rey with letters asking them to do a second volume and to make it larger. Most importantly, to have ME write it!

ES: Do you have any information on upcoming Kenner figures? Specifically if characters that did not get figures in the old series [e.g. Wedge Antilles, Grand Moff Tarkin] will get figures in the new series?

AM: Beyond the figures that have been announced through February, the only set they've set for sure is the Shadows of the Empire set, which will have four figures, two ships, one vehicle with figure, and one TESB ship. To my knowledge, a Snowspeeder with Wedge is not forthcoming. I only know what Kenner assigns me to write, but given that they want my card bios on all of their SW products from now on, it's doubtful they'd put anything out without assigning me to write it. Beyond Shadows, the next line hasn't been set, but I'm guessing it will be ROTJ- oriented. Don't look for "second-tier" characters yet, especially if they don't have their own ship. But don't give up hope, either.

ES: How young were you when you first ventured into the "galaxy far away?"

AM: I saw the first movie in a theatre when I was 11, and saw each one as they came out in theatres. A friend of ours worked in Hollywood, and managed to get a bootleg of SW long before it was released on video, so I was able to see that film more often than the others. Not the same as on big screen, but I was able to audio-tape it and learn the dialogue by heart! After ROTJ, my enthusiasm flagged, and the Zahn trilogy didn't do much to pick it up, but the comics and later books certainly livened things up for me, and I have grown to appreciate the Zahn books. I did enjoy the Ewok telefilms, even though they were for a younger crowd.

ES: Which is your favorite movie?

AM: I have favorite parts to each movie, but it's hard to pick a favorite. Star Wars still gives me the biggest thrill, but the darkness of the Bespin treachery (in The Empire Strikes Back) is chilling and the Jabba sequence in ROTJ is cool. Except, of course, for the stupid disposal of Boba Fett.

ES: I take it you have a certain fondness for the Fett?

AM: Boba Fett is by far my favorite character. There is so much mystery about him and so many things to do with him. Most of the other characters are pretty much set in stone as to their future and past, but Fett can do just about everything. Plus, he has an edge of darkness that most of the characters lack, but unlike the "dark Luke" stuff from the comics, Fett's is intrinsic to the character, not a bastardization.

Bounty Hunter Fett giving Author Mangels some important writing tips. It's a great joy to be contributing to the Fett mythos in my SW Galaxy stories. I'd really love to do more Fett stories, and I think my version is superior to the writer (John Wagner, creator of Judge Dredd) who did the one-shot ("Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar- Kooda") and another one-shot next Fall. The best thing fans can do is write Dark Horse and ask them for more Fett stories by Andy Mangels. I have proposed a Fett/X-Wing Rogue Squadron cross-over with Michael Stackpole, but heaven knows if it will ever happen.

ES: I'd bet its safe to say you have some opinions on the new Star Wars novels and comics?

AM: Some of the novels and comics are interesting, but I really enjoyed the new anthologies. There is a bit of mystery that has been removed with the Young Jedi/Junior Jedi books, because we know who has survived far into the future, and who hasn't. It does take away the element of surprise as to whether someone will escape a deathtrap or not. On the other hand, the Young Jedi books (and almost anything by Kevin Anderson) are some of my favorite SW books. I don't think SW is all about darkness, which too many of the comics are. It's also about hope, and the light side's struggle against darkness. Shadows is a pretty good book, and it fits in perfectly between TESB and ROTJ, but the outcome is already known for most of the characters. That's what I mean about loss of mystery.

ES: Do you listen to music while working?

AM: Sometimes I do. Often when I'm working on SW, I'll listen to the film's soundtracks, but sometimes that's just overload. I like a lot of showtunes (Jekyll Hyde and London's Metropolis are my favorites) and soundtracks (love just about anything by Randy Edelman, especially Gettysburg), but my tastes range from George Michael to Kenny Loggins to PM Dawn to Loreena McKennitt to some country artists. Pretty far ranging! As we started this interview I was actually listening to Michelle Nicastro's "Toonful, Too," an album of kid's cartoon songs, heavy on Disney.

ES: Could you tell us about your upcoming project with Topps?

AM: I'll tell you the card painters are: Juda Tverski, Chris Moeller, Mark Harrison, Lou Harrison, Mark Sasso, Joe Chiodo, Hugh Fleming, Tony Harris, Den Beauvais, Dan Brerton, John Van Fleet. That's exclusive news!

ES: Thanks much, Andy, for taking the time to speak with us!

AM: Thanks much. I really enjoyed the interview. I should have a Compuserve account soon, so I will be able to interact more with CIS Star Wars fans. Until then, May The Force Be With You!

[Ed. Note: In another ECHO STATION first, here's an exclusive first look at a panel from the THIRD installment of Andy's Boba Fett series; you're seeing it here BEFORE its even gone to the colorist... (the second episode of the series in SWGM hasn't even been released yet!)]

(click to enlarge)

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