Heres a pic of me and my gang (The QC Rogue Squadron) at "Boo at the Zoo" this past weekend. I was fully stressin cuz my helmet didnt get delivered until 3:15pm on Friday afternoon and I had to paint it and do all the earpieces and the range-finder and detail work before Saturday.. But this Mando got it all done in time.. and this was the Virgin Tour for the armor... I will have more pics up as soon as I get them... Enjoy!!!
Topic: Taidje Khan- My Mando Suit!!
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
25 posts
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What kind of helmet is that? It lookes awesome! as dose the rest of the suit! Where did you get your helmet?
thats a very impressivly nice mando suit, I'm sorta color blind is the suits colors kinda like a copper shade? if so it goes really good, nice and shiny.
Wow nice i like the black coulour scheme :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
thats a very impressivly nice mando suit, I'm sorta color blind is the suits colors kinda like a copper shade? if so it goes really good, nice and shiny.
..Sorry about the color-blindness.. no, the suit is Metallic Black with a burgundy strip going down the far left side and the Mythosaur skull emblem on the left breastplate. Helmet was obtained through a private fabricator that does some work for my friend in the 501st. Its from a single piece mold. Fiberglass... I filled the the dent and gave it a good coat of the metallic black and burgundy T-frame. The armor is mostly Sentra with the exception of the gauntlets (fiberglass) and the shin plates (plastic). Shoes are Boba style which have been painted black. Next big purchaces are backplates and Jetpack. Those might be a while to procure. Heres a close up of the pic. Again, as I get more pics of the costume I will add them to this thread
Great costume! I wish it was mine....
*nods* Nice Mando costume. I love the color scheme.
-Rampage, Beast Wars

Sent you a PM mando, again, that is a very nice suit you have there, I envey your skill.
Hey, ARC!! Youre going to have to re-send it.. it never got here.. LOST IN E-SPACE!!!
The costume still needs some tweaking, This was the fist time suiting up in it.. I was very pressed for time and wasnt able to "fine tune" everything.. After spending several hours in it I quickly realized whats gonna work and what wont. Still going to be adding a couple more LEDs, gotta finish painting the armor plates (no they're not completely done), also adding a girth belt and "cape" and currently on the look-out for a flight suit that FITS! I may have to make alterations to the one I currently have. I DID, however, win two halloween costume contests over the week. Most Original (at work) and Scariest (at a party-it was the only category they could fit me into).
Congrats on the wins!
I like the design of the shin plates--I already told you I love the costume! The other touches like the belt and cape are really going to look great on it :)
OH--great pic of the QCRS! I hadn't seen that one yet!
currently on the look-out for a flight suit that FITS!
Army surplus stores are always a good place to look.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

did you check your PM's? and clear out your PM inbox its full,
Great Mando suite! Belt and cape will make it even better! :)
did you check your PM's? and clear out your PM inbox its full,
Cripes!! I didnt realize that it only held ten massages.. that sucks.. I just emptied it.. If you're the one that sent me E-mail to my yahoo addy.. I got it....
Nothing says "Happy Halloween" quite like a glass of Mandalorian Ale!!
Hanna Solo & Taidje Khan: Bring It On!
I'll say the costume is very photogenic :P
I went to a trooping event with some of the local 501st gang.. met up with a few pals!!
Your costume is the best out of the 3 Fett costumes. The one on the left is really good, too!
Awesome pic!
and im still working on the jetpack.....
That's a funny pic--if you're not sympathetic to Jedi, that is LOL